Dave Conrad

Dave Conrad

Dave Conrad is a retired analog/digital hardware engineer who learned electronics by reading (starting at age 6) publications such as the ARRL Radio Handbook, QST, and CQ and later from various library books and Popular Electronics magazine. This was followed by a few courses in electronics in high school and junior colleges including TTL logic, along with learning on the job.

Areas of interest of the author: Supply Analogue Design Audio Video

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Dave Conrad:

  1. Temperature compensated lead acid battery float charger
    Editor’s note:Battery charging in a float or maintenance mode has been around  for a while, especially for standby power, emergency lighting, telecom, uninterruptible power, and other critical power needs....
  2. Increase the efficiency of a low-noise analog TE cooler driver
    A typical driver for thermoelectric (TE) cooler applications may use pulse width modulation (PWM) to drive an H-bridge circuit. This scheme works but drives the TE device with very large current pulses. These square...
  3. Increase piezoelectric transducer acoustic output with a simple circuit
    There have been many different ideas presented for increasing the acoustic output of a piezo buzzer or ultrasonic transducer. Most of them involve rather complicated circuitry that drives up the total solution cost;...
  4. RGB Video-Sync Separator Interfaces VGA Monitor Using Basic Components
    By providing simultaneous output of composite video, this video-sync separator design offers an alternate method for providing horizontal (H) and vertical (V) sync signals that support RGB video output to VGA-interfaced...