Majeed Ahmad

Majeed Ahmad

Majeed Ahmad

Majeed Ahmad, Editor-in-Chief of EDN, has covered electronics design industry for more than two decades. He holds Masters’ degree in telecommunication engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology. He has worked in various editorial positions, including assignments for EE Times Asia and Electronic Products.

Areas of interest of the author: Microcontrollers Usage CAD & Software Electronic components Microcontrollers

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Majeed Ahmad:

  1. What's LVGL, and how it works in embedded designs
    Light and Versatile Graphics Library (LVGL) is steadily making inroads in the graphics realm by efficiently facilitating graphical user interface (GUI) designs in small, resource-constrained, and battery-powered devices such as wearables, e-bikes, navigation systems, instrument...
    Dec 11, 2024
  2. 10 analog design icons that vanished in the 21st century
    Planet Analog Analog semiconductor acquisitions are all the rage. After the golden age of analog design innovations spanning across the last three decades of the 20th century, an era of consolidation began with the turn of the 21st century. While every deal had its specific...
    Oct 7, 2021
  3. Processor history: The road to the 6502 nostalgia
    PragmatIC Semiconductor’s recent announcement about developing a flexible version of the 6502 processor takes tech history buffs on the road to nostalgia. The 8-bit processor and its variants became the brains of seminal computers like the Apple II, Commodore PET,...
    Sep 6, 2021