Datasheet Texas Instruments LM2841YMKX-ADJL/NOPB

ManufacturerTexas Instruments
Datasheet Texas Instruments LM2841YMKX-ADJL/NOPB

SIMPLE SWITCHER® 4.5V to 42V, 0.3A Step-Down DC/DC Switching Regulator in Thin SOT-23 6-SOT-23-THIN -40 to 125


LM284x and LM284x-Q1 100, 300, or 600-mA 42-V Input Step-Down DC-DC Regulator in Thin SOT datasheet
PDF, 1.1 Mb, Revision: J, File published: Feb 21, 2017
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Lifecycle StatusActive (Recommended for new designs)
Manufacture's Sample AvailabilityNo


Package TypeDDC
Industry STD TermSOT-23-THIN
Package QTY3000
CarrierLARGE T&R
Device MarkingSTTB
Width (mm)1.6
Length (mm)2.9
Thickness (mm).87
Pitch (mm).95
Max Height (mm)1.1
Mechanical DataDownload


Control ModeCurrent Mode
Duty Cycle(Max)94 %
Iout(Max)0.3 A
Iq(Typ)1.3 mA
Operating Temperature Range-40 to 125 C
Package GroupSOT-23-THIN
Regulated Outputs1
Special FeaturesEnable
Switching Frequency(Max)1500 kHz
Switching Frequency(Min)950 kHz
Vin(Max)42 V
Vin(Min)4.5 V
Vout(Max)34 V
Vout(Min)0.765 V

Eco Plan


Design Kits & Evaluation Modules

  • Evaluation Modules & Boards: LM2841YMK-ADJEV
    Evaluation Board for the LM2841
    Lifecycle Status: Active (Recommended for new designs)

Application Notes

  • AN-643 EMI/RFI Board Design (Rev. B)
    PDF, 742 Kb, Revision: B, File published: May 3, 2004
    Application Note 643 EMI/RFI Board Design
  • Input and Output Capacitor Selection
    PDF, 219 Kb, File published: Sep 19, 2005
  • AN-1197 Selecting Inductors for Buck Converters (Rev. B)
    PDF, 558 Kb, Revision: B, File published: Apr 23, 2013
    This application report provides design information to help select an off-the-shelf inductor for anycontinuous-mode buck converter application.
  • AN-2155 Layout Tips for EMI Reduction in DC/ DC Converters (Rev. A)
    PDF, 3.6 Mb, Revision: A, File published: Apr 23, 2013
    This application note will explore how the layout of your DC/DC power supply can significantly affect theamount of EMI that it produces. It will discuss several variations of a layout analyze the results andprovide answers to some common EMI questions such whether or not to use a shielded inductor.
  • AN-1566 Techniques for Thermal Analysis of Switching Power Supply Designs (Rev. A)
    PDF, 1.4 Mb, Revision: A, File published: Apr 23, 2013
    This application note provides thermal power analysis techniques for analyzing the power IC.
  • AN-1889 How to Measure the Loop Transfer Function of Power Supplies (Rev. A)
    PDF, 2.7 Mb, Revision: A, File published: Apr 23, 2013
    This application report shows how to measure the critical points of a bode plot with only an audiogenerator (or simple signal generator) and an oscilloscope. The method is explained in an easy to followstep-by-step manner so that a power supply designer can start performing these measurements in a shortamount of time.
  • Semiconductor and IC Package Thermal Metrics (Rev. C)
    PDF, 201 Kb, Revision: C, File published: Apr 19, 2016
  • Low EMI Layout Made SIMPLE With LM43600/1/2/3 and LM46000/1/2 (Rev. A)
    PDF, 512 Kb, Revision: A, File published: Sep 12, 2014
    Printed Circuit Board (PCB) layout for Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS) is critical to achieve proper converter operation good thermal performance and excellent radiated EMI performance. Optimized board layout for low radiated EMI is made very simple by the package and pin arrangement of the SIMPLE SWITCHER Synchronous Buck Converter family LM4360x and LM4600x
  • AN-1982 Small, Wide Input Voltage Range LM2842 Keeps LEDs Cool (Rev. A)
    PDF, 60 Kb, Revision: A, File published: Apr 23, 2013
    The world seems to be poised to make the leap to LED lighting. Incandescent has been deemed tooinefficient, which it is, and fluorescent lighting often does not achieve the lifetime it claims. Fluorescentalso has another set of baggage, dangerous chemicals. So the logical choice that most people believe cantake the crown is high brightness (HB) LEDs. HBLEDs are becoming more attractive as th
  • AN-1149 Layout Guidelines for Switching Power Supplies (Rev. C)
    PDF, 82 Kb, Revision: C, File published: Apr 23, 2013
    When designing a high frequency switching regulated power supply layout is very important. Using agood layout can solve many problems associated with these types of supplies. The problems due to a badlayout are often seen at high current levels and are usually more obvious at large input to output voltagedifferentials. Some of the main problems are loss of regulation at high output current
  • AN-1229 SIMPLE SWITCHER PCB Layout Guidelines (Rev. C)
    PDF, 374 Kb, Revision: C, File published: Apr 23, 2013
    This application report provides SIMPLE SWITCHER™ PCB layout guidelines.
  • AN-2162 Simple Success With Conducted EMI From DC-DC Converters (Rev. C)
    PDF, 2.5 Mb, Revision: C, File published: Apr 24, 2013
    Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) is an unwanted effect between two electrical systems as a result ofeither electromagnetic radiation or electromagnetic conduction. EMI is the major adverse effect caused bythe application of switch-mode power supplies (SMPS). In switching power supplies EMI noise isunavoidable due to the switching actions of the semiconductor devices and resulting disconti
  • AN-1246 Stresses in Wide Input DC-DC Converters (Rev. C)
    PDF, 427 Kb, Revision: C, File published: Apr 23, 2013
    This application note discusses stresses in wide input DC-DC converters.
  • AN-1520 A Guide to Board Layout for Best Thermal Resistance for Exposed Packages (Rev. B)
    PDF, 9.2 Mb, Revision: B, File published: Apr 23, 2013
    This thermal application report provides guidelines for the optimal board layout to achieve the best thermalresistance for exposed packages. The thermal resistance between junction-to-ambient (ОёJA) is highlydependent on the PCB (Printed Circuit Board) design factors. This becomes more critical for packageshaving very low thermal resistance between junction-to-case such as exposed pad TSSOP

Model Line

Manufacturer's Classification

  • Semiconductors > Power Management > Non-isolated DC/DC Switching Regulator > Step-Down (Buck) > Buck Converter (Integrated Switch)

Other Names: