Datasheet LTC1278 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
Description12-Bit, 500ksps Sampling A/D Converter with Shutdown
Pages / Page16 / 1 — FEATU. DESCRIPTIO. Single Supply 5V or. 5V Operation. Two Speed …
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FEATU. DESCRIPTIO. Single Supply 5V or. 5V Operation. Two Speed Grades,500ksps (LTC1278-5). 400ksps (LTC1278-4)

Datasheet LTC1278 Analog Devices

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LTC1278 12-Bit, 500ksps Sampling A/D Converter with Shutdown

Single Supply 5V or
5V Operation
The LTC®1278 is a 1.6µs, 500ksps, sampling 12-bit A/D ■
Two Speed Grades,500ksps (LTC1278-5)
converter that draws only 75mW from a single 5V or ±5V
400ksps (LTC1278-4)
supplies. This easy-to-use device comes complete with ■
70dB S/(N + D) and 74dB THD at Nyquist
a 200ns sample-and-hold, a precision reference and an ■
No Missing Codes Over Temperature
internally trimmed clock. Unipolar and bipolar conver- ■ 75mW (Typ) Power Dissipation sion modes add to the flexibility of the ADC. The low ■ Power Shutdown with Instant Wake-Up power dissipation is made even more attractive by a ■ Internal Reference Can Be Overdriven Externally 8.5mW power-down feature. Instant wake-up from shut- ■ Internal Synchronized Clock; No Clock Required down allows the converter to be powered down even ■ High Impedance Analog Input during brief inactive periods. ■ 0V to 5V or ±2.5V Input Range The LTC1278 converts 0V to 5V unipolar inputs from a ■ New Flexible, Friendly Parallel Interface to DSPs single 5V supply and ±2.5V bipolar inputs from ±5V and FIFOs supplies. Maximum DC specs include ±1LSB INL and ■ 24-Pin Narrow PDIP and SW Packages ±1LSB DNL. Outstanding guaranteed AC performance
includes 70dB S/(N + D) and 78dB THD at the input
frequency of 100kHz over temperature. ■ High Speed Data Acquisition The internal clock is trimmed for 1.6µs conversion time. ■ Digital Signal Processing The clock automatically synchronizes to each sample ■ Multiplexed Data Acquisition Systems command, eliminating problems with asynchronous clock ■ Audio and Telecom Processing noise found in competitive devices. A separate convert ■ Spectrum Analysis start input and a data ready signal (BUSY) ease connec- , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. tions to FIFOs, DSPs and microprocessors.
O U TYPICAL APPLICATI Single 5V Supply, 500kHz, 12-Bit Sampling A/D Converter Effective Bits and Signal-to-(Noise + Distortion) vs Input Frequency
LTC1278-5 5V 1 24 ANALOG INPUT A AV 12 74 IN DD 2.42V (0V TO 5V) 2 23 + REFERENCE V V 11 68 REF SS + 10µF 0.1µF 3 22 OUTPUT 0.1µF AGND BUSY 10 62 NYQUIST 10µF 4 21 D11(MSB) CS µP CONTROL 9 FREQUENCY 56 5 20 LINES D10 RD 8 S/(N 6 19 D9 CONVST CONVERSION START INPUT 7 + 7 18 D) (dB) D8 SHDN POWER DOWN INPUT 6 8 17 D7 DV 5 DD 9 16 D6 D0 4 12-BIT 10 15 D5 D1 3 PARALLEL 11 14 EFFECTIVE NUMBER OF BITS BUS D4 D2 2 12 13 DGND D3 1 fSAMPLE = 500kHz 0 10k 100k 1M 2M INPUT FREQUENCY (Hz) LT1278 G4 LTC1278 • TA01 1