Datasheet ADIS16135 (Analog Devices) - 10

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
Description±300°/Sec Precision Angular Rate Sensor
Pages / Page21 / 10 — Data Sheet. ADIS16135. OUTPUT DATA REGISTERS. Table 12. TEMP_OUT Bit …
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Data Sheet. ADIS16135. OUTPUT DATA REGISTERS. Table 12. TEMP_OUT Bit Descriptions. Table 8. Output Data Register Formats

Data Sheet ADIS16135 OUTPUT DATA REGISTERS Table 12 TEMP_OUT Bit Descriptions Table 8 Output Data Register Formats

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Data Sheet ADIS16135 OUTPUT DATA REGISTERS Table 12. TEMP_OUT Bit Descriptions Table 8. Output Data Register Formats Bits Description Register Address Measurement
[15:0] Temperature data; twos complement, 0.0058°C per LSB (typical), 0°C = 0x0000 TEMP_OUT 0x02 Internal temperature GYRO_OUT2 0x04 Gyroscope, lower 16 bits
Table 13. Temperature, Twos Complement Format
GYRO_OUT 0x06 Gyroscope, upper 16 bits
Temperature Decimal Hex Binary Rotation Rate (Gyroscope)
+105°C +18,103 0x46B7 0100 0110 1011 0111 +0.0116°C +2 0x0002 0000 0000 0000 0010 GYRO_OUT is the primary register for gyroscope output data +0.0058°C +1 0x0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 and uses 16-bit twos complement format for its data. Table 9 0°C 0 0x0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 provides the numerical format, and Table 10 provides several −0.0058°C −1 0xFFFF 1111 1111 1111 1111 examples for converting digital data into °/sec. −0.0116°C −2 0xFFFE 1111 1111 1111 1110
Table 9. GYRO_OUT Bit Descriptions
−40°C −6897 0xE50F 1110 0101 0000 1111
Bits Description Device Configuration
[15:0] Gyroscope data; twos complement, 0.0125°/sec per LSB (typical), 0°/sec = 0x0000 The control registers listed in Table 14 provide a variety of user configuration options. The SPI provides access to these registers,
Table 10. GYRO_OUT, Twos Complement Format
one byte at a time, using the bit assignments shown in Figure 13.
Rotation Rate Decimal Hex Binary
Each register has 16 bits, where Bits[7:0] represent the lower +300°/sec +24,000 0x5DC0 0101 1101 1100 0000 address and Bits[15:8] represent the upper address. Figure 15 +0.025°/sec +2 0x0002 0000 0000 0000 0010 provides an example of writing 0x03 to Address 0x22 +0.0125°/sec +1 0x0001 0000 0000 0000 0001 (DEC_RATE[7:0]), using DIN = 0xA203. This example reduces 0°/sec 0 0x0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 the sample rate by a factor of 8 (see Table 16). −0.0125°/sec −1 0xFFFF 1111 1111 1111 1111
−0.025°/sec −2 0xFFFE 1111 1111 1111 1110
−300°/sec −24,000 0xA240 1010 0010 0100 0000
5 01 The GYRO_OUT2 register (see Table 11) captures the bit growth 88-
DIN = 1010 0010 0000 0011 = 0xA203, WRITES 0x03 TO ADDRESS 0x22
088 associated with the decimation filter shown in Figure 18, using Figure 15. SPI Sequence for Setting the Decimate Rate to 8 (DIN = 0xA203) a MSB-justified format. The bit growth starts with the MSB
Dual Memory Structure
(GYRO_OUT2[15]), is equal to the decimation rate setting in DEC_RATE[4:0] (see Table 18), and grows in the LSB direction Writing configuration data to a control register updates its SRAM as the decimation rate increases. See Figure 14 for more details. contents, which are volatile. After optimizing each relevant control register setting in a system, set GLOB_CMD[3] = 1 (DIN =
Table 11. GYRO_OUT2 Bit Descriptions
0xA808) to back these settings up in nonvolatile flash memory.
Bits Description
The flash backup process requires a valid power supply level for [15:0] Rotation rate data; resolution enhancement bits the entire 72 ms process time. Table 14 provides a user register memory map that includes a column of flash backup information.
D D = DEC_RATE[4:0]
A yes in this column indicates that a register has a mirror location
in flash and, when backed up properly, automatically restores itself during startup or after a reset. Figure 16 provides a diagram of the
15 GYRO_OUT 0 15 GYRO_OUT2 0
4 dual-memory structure used to manage operation and store critical
0.0125 °/sec
88 user settings. 0 Figure 14. Gyroscope Output Format, DEC_RATE[4:0] > 0
Internal Temperature MANUAL FLASH BACKUP
The TEMP_OUT register (see Table 12) provides an internal
temperature measurement that can be useful for observing
relative temperature changes in the environment. Table 13
provides several coding examples for converting the 16-bit
twos complement number into units for temperature (°C).
16 0 8- 88 08 Figure 16. SRAM and Flash Memory Diagram Rev. F | Page 9 of 20 Document Outline Features Applications General Description Functional Block Diagram Revision History Specifications Timing Specifications Timing Diagrams Absolute Maximum Ratings ESD Caution Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions Typical Performance Characteristics Basic Operation Reading Sensor Data Output Data Registers Rotation Rate (Gyroscope) Internal Temperature Dual Memory Structure User Registers Digital Processing Configuration Internal Sample Rate Input Clock Configuration Digital Filtering Averaging/Decimation Filter Calibration Automatic Bias Correction Manual Bias Correction Alarms Static Alarm Use Dynamic Alarm Use Alarm Reporting Alarm Example System Controls Global Commands Software Reset Memory Management Checksum Test General-Purpose I/O Data Ready I/O Indicator Example I/O Configuration Self-Test Power Management Status Product Identification Applications Information Breakout Board Installation Tips Outline Dimensions Ordering Guide