Datasheet LTM2881 (Analog Devices) - 5

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionComplete Isolated RS485/RS422 μModule Transceiver + Power
Pages / Page24 / 5 — elecTrical characTerisTics. The. denotes the specifications which apply …
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elecTrical characTerisTics. The. denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating

elecTrical characTerisTics The denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating

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elecTrical characTerisTics The
denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. LTM2881-3 VCC = 3.3V, LTM2881-5 VCC = 5.0V, VL = 3.3V, GND = GND2 = 0V, ON = VL unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Logic
VIL Logic Input Low Voltage 1.62V ≤ VL ≤ 5.5V l 0.4 V VIH DIN l 0.67•VCC2 V SLO l 2 V Logic Input High Voltage DI, TE, DE, ON, RE: VL ≥ 2.35V l 0.67•VL V 1.62V ≤ VL < 2.35V l 0.75•VL V IINL Logic Input Current l 0 ±1 µA VHYS Logic Input Hysteresis (Note 2) 150 mV VOH Output High Voltage Output High, ILOAD = –4mA l VL –0.4 V (Sourcing), 5.5V ≥ VL ≥ 3V Output High, ILOAD = –1mA l VL –0.4 V (Sourcing), 1.62V ≤ VL < 3V VOL Output Low Voltage Output Low, ILOAD = 4mA l 0.4 V (Sinking), 5.5V ≥ VL ≥ 3V Output High, ILOAD = 1mA l 0.4 V (Sinking), 1.62V ≤ VL < 3V IOZR Three-State (High Impedance) RE = VL, 0V ≤ RO ≤ VL l ±1 µA Output Current on RO IOSR Short-Circuit Current 0V ≤ (RO or DOUT) ≤ VL l ±85 mA
swiTching characTerisTics The
denotes the specifications which apply over the full operating temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C. LTM2881-3 VCC = 3.3V, LTM2881-5 VCC = 5.0V, VL = 3.3V, GND = GND2 = 0V, ON = VL unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETER CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS Driver SLO = VCC2
fMAX Maximum Data Rate (Note 3) 20 Mbps tPLHD Driver Input to Output RDIFF = 54Ω, CL = 100pF l 60 85 ns tPHLD (Figure 4) ∆tPD Driver Input to Output Difference RDIFF = 54Ω, CL = 100pF l 1 8 ns |tPLHD – tPHLD| (Figure 4) tSKEWD Driver Output Y to Output Z RDIFF = 54Ω, CL = 100pF l 1 ±8 ns (Figure 4) tRD Driver Rise or Fall Time RDIFF = 54Ω, CL = 100pF l 4 12.5 ns tFD (Figure 4) tZLD, tZHD, Driver Output Enable or Disable RL = 500Ω, CL = 50pF l 170 ns tLZD, tHZD Time (Figure 5)
Driver SLO = GND2
fMAX Maximum Data Rate (Note 3) 250 kbps tPLHD Driver Input to Output RDIFF = 54Ω, CL = 100pF 1 1.55 µs tPHLD (Figure 4) ∆tPD Driver Input to Output Difference RDIFF = 54Ω, CL = 100pF 50 500 ns |tPLHD – tPHLD| (Figure 4) tSKEWD Driver Output Y to Output Z RDIFF = 54Ω, CL = 100pF ±200 ±500 ns (Figure 4) tRD Driver Rise or Fall Time RDIFF = 54Ω, CL = 100pF l 0.9 1.5 µs tFD (Figure 4) 2881fi For more information 5 Document Outline Features Applications Typical Application Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Pin Configuration Order Information Electrical Characteristics Switching Characteristics Isolation Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Block Diagram Test Circuits Functional Table Applications Information Typical Applications Package Description Revision History Typical Application Related Parts