TB67S158FTG 5. MODE pin MODE1 MODE0 Function L L Mode1 Full paral el control I/F (Similar operation of transistor array) L H Mode2 I/F of CLK input H L Mode3 Serial/Parallel conversion control I/F H H Mode4 Large mode (Input I/F of CLK) 6. Pin function of full parallel control IF (Mode1) IN_X pin can control each transistor directly like transistor array. IN_A1 IN_A2 IN_B1 IN_B2 Function L - - OUT_A+=OFF H - - OUT_A+=ON - L - - OUT_A-=OFF - H - - OUT_A-=ON - - L - OUT_B+=OFF - - H - OUT_B+=ON - - - L OUT_B-=OFF - - - H OUT_B-=ON IN_C1 IN_C2 IN_D1 IN_D2 Function L - - OUT_C+=OFF H - - OUT_C+=ON - L - - OUT_C-=OFF - H - - OUT_C-=ON - - L - OUT_D+=OFF - - H - OUT_D+=ON - - - L OUT_D-=OFF - - - H OUT_D-=ON 9 2015-3-3