Datasheet AD790 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionFast, Precision Comparator
Pages / Page10 / 1 — Fast, Precision. Comparator. AD790. FEATURES. CONNECTION DIAGRAMS. 45 ns …
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Fast, Precision. Comparator. AD790. FEATURES. CONNECTION DIAGRAMS. 45 ns max Propagation Delay. 8-Pin Plastic Mini-DIP (N)

Datasheet AD790 Analog Devices, Revision: E

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Fast, Precision Comparator AD790 FEATURES CONNECTION DIAGRAMS 45 ns max Propagation Delay 8-Pin Plastic Mini-DIP (N) Single 5 V or Dual

15 V Supply Operation and Cerdip (Q) Packages CMOS or TTL Compatible Output 250

V max Input Offset Voltage 500

V max Input Hysteresis Voltage +VS 1 8 VLOGIC 15 V max Differential Input Voltage AD790 +IN 2 7 OUTPUT + Onboard Latch 60 mW Power Dissipation –IN 3 6 GROUND Available in 8-Pin Plastic and Hermetic Cerdip –V Packages S 4 5 LATCH Available in Tape and Reel in Accordance with EIA-481A Standard 8-Pin SOIC (R) Package APPLICATIONS Zero-Crossing Detectors Overvoltage Detectors OUTPUT 1 8 GROUND AD790 Pulse-Width Modulators V 2 7 LATCH Precision Rectifiers LOGIC Discrete A/D Converters –V +V 3 6 + S S Delta-Sigma Modulator A/Ds +IN 4 5 –IN PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS
The AD790 is a fast (45 ns), precise voltage comparator, with a 1. The AD790’s combination of speed, precision, versatility number of features that make it exceptionally versatile and easy and low cost makes it suitable as a general purpose compara- to use. The AD790 may operate from either a single 5 V supply tor in analog signal processing and data acquisition systems. or a dual ± 15 V supply. In the single-supply mode, the AD790’s 2. Built-in hysteresis and a low-glitch output stage minimize the inputs may be referred to ground, a feature not found in other chance of unwanted oscillations, making the AD790 easier to comparators. In the dual-supply mode it has the unique ability use than standard open-loop comparators. of handling a maximum differential voltage of 15 V across its in- put terminals, easing their interfacing to large amplitude and 3. The hysteresis combined with a wide input voltage range dynamic signals. enables the AD790 to respond to both slow, low level (e.g., 10 mV) signals and fast, large amplitude (e.g., 10 V) signals. This device is fabricated using Analog Devices’ Complementary Bipolar (CB) process—which gives the AD790’s combination 4. A wide variety of supply voltages is acceptable for operation of fast response time and outstanding input voltage resolution of the AD790, ranging from single 5 V to dual +5 V/–12 V, (1 mV max). To preserve its speed and accuracy, the AD790 ±5 V, or +5 V/±15 V supplies. incorporates a “low glitch” output stage that does not exhibit 5. The AD790’s power dissipation is the lowest of any compara- the large current spikes normally found in TTL or CMOS output tor in its speed range. stages. Its controlled switching reduces power supply disturbances 6. The AD790’s output swing is symmetric between V that can feed back to the input and cause undesired oscillations. LOGIC and ground, thus providing a predictable output under a The AD790 also has a latching function which makes it suitable wide range of input and output conditions. for applications requiring synchronous operation. The AD790 is available in five performance grades. The AD790J and the AD790K are rated over the commercial tem- perature range of 0°C to 70°C. The AD790A and AD790B are rated over the industrial temperature range of –40°C to +85°C. The AD790S is rated over the military temperature range of –55°C to +125°C. REV. E Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that
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