TS33Electrical characteristicsTable 8. Electrical characteristics for TS3333SymbolParameterTest conditionsMin.Typ.Max.Unit Output voltage VIN = 5 V 3.3 V VOUT ILOAD = 0 mA Initial accuracy -0.15 0.15 % Tamb = 25 °C -40 °C < T amb < +85 °C 9 30 ∆VOUT/∆T Average temperature ppm/°C coefficient -40 °C < Tamb < +125 °C 8 30 VIN = 3.5 V to 5.5 V -50 6 +50 0 °C < Tamb < 70 °C 6 ∆VOUT/∆VIN Line regulation ppm/V -40 °C < Tamb < +85 °C 8 -40 °C < Tamb < +125 °C 30 VIN = 3.5 V -50 6 +50 ILOAD = ±5 mA 10 ∆VOUT/∆ILOAD Load regulation 0 °C < Tamb < 70 °C ppm/mA -40 °C < Tamb < +85 °C 20 -40 °C < Tamb < +125 °C 20 ILOAD = ±5 mA 50 100 0 °C < Tamb < 70 °C 70 -40 °C < Tamb < +85 °C 75 VDROP Minimum dropout voltage mV -40 °C < Tamb < +125 °C 80 ILOAD = ±2 mA 70 -40 °C < Tamb < +85 °C I Short-circuit current sourcing/ SC 35 mA sinking 3.9 7 IQ Quiescent current -40 °C < Tamb < +85 °C 4.4 7.5 µA -40 °C < Tamb < +125 °C 4.8 10 COUT Capacitive load 0.1 10 µF TON Turn-on settling time to 0.1 %, COUT = 1 µF 2 ms en Noise floor f = 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz 73 µVP-P DS12001 - Rev 5page 9/24 Document Outline 1 Pin configuration 2 Maximum ratings 3 Typical application 4 Electrical characteristics 5 Typical performance characteristics 6 Package information 6.1 QFN8 package information 6.2 SOT23-3L package information 6.3 SOT323-3L package information 7 Ordering information Revision history Contents List of tables List of figures