Datasheets - Microphones TDK

Subsection: "Microphones"
Manufacturer: "TDK"
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  1. Datasheet TDK ICS-40638
    High AOP Analog MEMS Microphone with Differential Output The ICS-40638 is an analog MEMS microphone with very high dynamic range and capable of operation up to 105 C. The ICS-40638 includes a MEMS microphone element, an impedance converter, and a ...
  2. Datasheet TDK MMICT3902‐00‐012
    Bottom Port PDM Low‐Power Multi‐Mode Microphone With High AOP Mode The T3902 is a low‐power, low‐noise digital MEMS microphone in a small package. The T3902 consists of a MEMS microphone element and an impedance converter amplifier followed by a ...
  1. Datasheet TDK MMICT5808-00-12
    Bottom-Port SoundWire Digital Multi-Mode Microphone The T5808 is a multi-mode, low noise digital MEMS microphone in a small package. The T5808 consists of a MEMS microphone element and an impedance converter amplifier followed by a fourth-order ...