Demonstration board STMicroelectronics STEVAL-MKI062V2
The STEVAL-MKI062V2 is the second generation of the iNEMO module family.
Detailed Description
It combines accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers with pressure and temperature sensors to provide 3-axis sensing of linear, angular and magnetic motion, complemented with temperature and barometer/altitude readings, representing the new ST 10-DOF (degrees of freedom) platform.
Based on the previous version, the STEVAL-MKI062V2 represents another step forward in miniaturization, integrating five ST sensors: a 2-axis roll-and-pitch gyroscope, a 1-axis yaw gyroscope, a 6-axis geomagnetic module, a pressure sensor and a temperature sensor.
This 10-DOF inertial system represents a complete hardware platform which can be used in numerous applications such as virtual reality, augmented reality, image stabilization, human machine interfaces and robotics.
A complete set of communication interfaces with various power supply options in a small-size form factor (4 x 4 cm) make iNEMO V2 a flexible and open demonstration platform.
To aid in user development and analysis, the STEVAL-MKI062V2 demonstration kit includes a PC GUI for sensor output display and a firmware library to facilitate the use of the demonstration board features.
Features and Description
- Two power supply options: power connector, USB connector
- STM32F103RE: high-density performance line ARM-based 32-bit MCU with 256 to 512 KB Flash, USB, CAN, 11 timers, 3 ADCs and 13 communication interfaces
- LPR430AL: 2-axis gyro (roll, pitch) 300°/s full scale with analog output and optional additional filters
- LY330ALH: yaw-axis gyro 300°/s full scale with analog output and optional additional filters
- LSM303DLH: 6-axis geomagnetic module: ±2 g / ±4 g / ±8 g linear acceleration full scale, magnetic field configurable full scale ±1.3 to ±8.1 gauss, I2C digital output
- LPS001DL: pressure sensor 300-1100 mbar absolute full scale with I2C digital output and barometer
- STLM75: temperature sensor with –55 to +125°C range and I2C digital interface
- Extended connector for wireless connectivity
- MicroSD card slot
- COM connector with RTS and CTS signals
- USB 2.0 full speed connection
- Reset button
- User LED and button
- RoHS compliant
Schematic diagram STEVAL-MKI062V2
Other Names: