Product brochure RTO-K21 USB2.0 Compliance Test (Rohde&Schwarz) - 9

DescriptionRTO-K21 USB2.0 Compliance Test for RTO digital oscilloscopes
Pages / Page14 / 9 — Configurable test documentation. Coherent test documentation. Rohde & …
File Format / SizePDF / 6.5 Mb
Document LanguageEnglish

Configurable test documentation. Coherent test documentation. Rohde & Schwarz

Configurable test documentation Coherent test documentation Rohde & Schwarz

Text Version of Document

Configurable test documentation
Test reports can be configured as needed for the intended purpose, i.e. depending on whether certification is desired, a customer requires a test report, or stability tests are to be performed during product development. In addition to the summary of passed and failed tests, detailed numerical results and screenshots can be added for each subtest.
Coherent test documentation
Using the test management and report management dia- log boxes, users can control new and running test ses- sions and manage the associated documentation. In the test management dialog box, new test sessions can be started, and interrupted tests resumed. The Resume Existing function ensures coherent test documentation. Problems occurring in documentation as a result of test in- Configuration dialog box for test documentation. terruptions are a thing of the past. The report management dialog box delivers a clear over- view of completed tests, even if many different test cases and DUTs are involved. Grouped by type (device, host, hub), all reports can be displayed individually and config- ured for the intended purpose. Reports that are no longer needed can be removed with a mouseclick. Defining test session name prior to start of test. Management of test documentation.
Rohde & Schwarz
R&S®RTO-K21 USB2.0 Compliance Test
RTO-K21_bro_en_3606-9285-12.indd 9 18.03.2014 19:02:35