Marco Girolami

Marco Girolami

Marco Girolami

Marco Girolami is on the Italian National Research Council CNR Institute of Structure of Matter ISM.

Marco Girolami’s research activity focuses on the design, fabrication and characterization of solid-state detectors based on wide-bandgap semiconductors (Diamond, Ga2O3) and perovskites for UV light, ionizing radiation, and nuclear particles, along with the development of the front-end electronics. Other activities deals with bulk and surface nanostructuring by femtosecond laser treatment of different materials for applications in the field of solar energy conversion, quantum information and life science.

Areas of interest of the author: Theory

Co-authors: Stefano Salvatori

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Marco Girolami:

  1. Compact, Four-Quadrant Lock-In Amplifier Generates Two Analog Outputs
    Marco Girolami Stefano Salvatori
    Generate a pair of quadrature-phase digital signals. The circuit in this Design Idea realizes a simple, low-cost lock-in amplifier employing an Analog Devices AD630 balanced modulator-demodulator IC (Reference 1). The device uses laser-trimmed thin-film resistors, yielding...