Figure 1 shows how to position a mechanical device into four discrete positions but with only two free outputs and one free input from the control system. The position depends on a set of cams and four corresponding limit switches. The 24V-dc motor ...
For the heating and cooling elements common in industrial systems, resistance is not a fixed quantity. These elements include such devices as positive-temperature-coefficient heaters and thermoelectric coolers. Their resistance can change more than ...
A free energy collector circuit helps to convert surrounding radio frequency waves to electric power and can provide 40 watts to 10 watts indefinitely. The circuit concept An option to increase the output power is achievable through proper set-up ...
Instead of the conventional approach of backing up a DAC with an amplifier to boost output, this design idea charts a less traveled by path to power. It integrates an LM317 positive regulator with a simple 8-bit PWM DAC topology to obtain a robust ...
Figure 1 is a cheap and cheerful voltage inverter I offered awhile back in “A simple, accurate, and efficient charge pump voltage inverter for $1” ( Ref. 1 ). Figure 1. The generic and versatile xx4053 provides the basis for a cheap, ...
Using the MAX4373 high-side current-sense amplifier, a circuit can be designed with a voltage range to 28 V. All that is needed is a general-purpose NPN transistor. The latching-comparator output (COUT1) on the MAX4373, a high-side current-sense ...
ADC circuits that resolve signal into 20 or more bits need a low-noise signal source for measuring parameters such as harmonic distortion or effective number of bits. A notch filter removes the fundamental frequency from the oscillators signal for ...
Mystery solved? Not quite. I made a test coupon of the output transmission line and measured it. Over the crossover region, it showed a mere 0.04 dB loss with increasing frequency, much less than the measured result. I turned my attention back to ...
Students, hobbyists, and professionals today enjoy unprecedented access to powerful and affordable test equipment for understanding and building electronic projects. But as enthusiast projects have become more advanced and ambitious, it is still ...
This circuit is a simple sweep generator. The sawtooth is generated by the PNP transistor and the 555 . The transistor together with the 2 diodes at the base form a constant current source which charges the 330 nF capacitor. If 2/3V CC (=6 V) is ...