This design idea revisits another: “PWM power DAC incorporates an LM317” ( Ref. 1 ). Like the earlier circuit, this one implements a power DAC by integrating an LM317 positive regulator into a mostly passive PWM topology. It exploits ...
Instead of the conventional approach of backing up a DAC with an amplifier to boost output, this design idea charts a less traveled by path to power. It integrates an LM317 positive regulator with a simple 8-bit PWM DAC topology to obtain a robust ...
Using the system shown in Fig. 1, you can quickly test a cable containing twisted-wire pairs and detect open or reversed pairs, shorted pairs, and shorts between unrelated pairs. The tester consists of an active test set that plugs into one end of ...
Surprising facts, like “old fangled” 3-leg linear regulators ( LM317 , LM337 , LM350, et al.) can be used in shunt regulator topologies ( Reference 1 ) can sometimes inspire “new fangled” circuit designs. Figure 1 shows a ...
Long ago in a galaxy far away (actually, the same galaxy but the Milky Way is moving so it must logically be far away from where it was way back then), I sketched up a simple circuit for a DC coupled amplifier that I thought (in my youthful ...
Sensors that detect and track small metallic objects are handy gadgets, whether used to route workpieces on an assembly line or comb a beach for “treasures” lost in the sand. A typical sensor design consists of an inductor integrated ...
When parts have been around as long, and in such widespread use, as the venerable LM317 and LM337 (and their siblings), you tend to think every trick that can be played with them is already in the (data)book. So, when the question arose whether ...
Some circuits need a constant-current source that does not necessarily connect to a power-supply rail or to ground. The circuit in the Figure 1 shows a simple method for achieving that configuration. Figure 1. The simple method achieves a ...
I was reminded recently of a tester I designed years ago. At the time, I wanted to build “The Ultimate Continuity Tester,” and I established a wish list of all the features I required: A “real continuity” tester. Too many ...
Frequent contributor, Peter Demchenko, recently published “A safe adjustable regulator” ( Ref. 1 ) discussing the likelihood and consequences of rheostat-connected voltage trimmer failure in three-terminal adjustable regulator ( LM317 , ...