Circuits & Schematics Fairchild - 3

Manufacturer: "Fairchild"
Search results: 32 Output: 21-30
  1. T A Babu
    TA Babu EDN LED technology is opening the door to a variety of high-power-illumination applications. The circuit in Figure 1 can let you know when ac power is available. To drive a power LED from the ac line requires a converter or a similar ...
    Jul 26, 2020
  2. Robert Most EDN Circuits that latch one-of-N switches usually use a digital approach. Such circuits are often useful in human-interface situations, such as audio-mixing consoles, video-feed selection, or current-loop-control redundancy systems. In ...
    Feb 18, 2020
  1. Susanne Nell
    The circuit in Figure 1 is a good choice if you need a power supply with high efficiency and you don't want to use expensive dc/dc-converter ICs. The heart of the circuit is IC 1 , the common, inexpensive LM7805 linear regulator. The external ...
    Feb 1, 2017
  2. Abel Raynus
    A microcontroller requires dc operating power in the 2 to 5.5 V range, an amount that a battery or a secondary power source can easily supply. However, in certain situations, a microcontroller-based product must operate directly from a 120 or 220 ...
    Jan 19, 2017
  3. Art Hogrefe EDN A number of circuits, such as level detectors and AM demodulators, benefit from a rectifier with a low offset voltage. Silicon diodes have an offset of approximately 0.6 V and do not work well in low-level circuitry. A Schottky ...
    Dec 14, 2016
  4. Circuits Measurement Supply Fairchild FOD2741C KSD1621STF MMBT5087
    Richard Dunipace EDN Low-cost DVM (digital-voltmeter) modules are economical and can significantly reduce design time for instrumentation. Yet, these modules also involve a significant number of design challenges. For example, their inputs are not ...
    Dec 2, 2016
  5. Carl Pugh EDN Most circuits use bypass capacitors and can deliver substandard performance if the capacitors have poor pulse characteristics. Few if any articles cover how to test bypass capacitors for pulse characteristics. The circuit in Figure 1 ...
    Dec 1, 2016
  6. Glen Chenier
    Circuits Digital Fairchild NC7SZ57 NC7SZ58
    You can assemble a pulse-generation circuit from a simple Schmitt-input AND gate plus a resistor-capacitor timing network. However, if you need a logic function that's not a standard catalog item, you need a Schmitt-input gate or inverter and ...
    Aug 24, 2016
  7. Anthony Smith
    The white-LED flasher in Figure 1 offers an alternative approach to a previously published idea ( Reference 1 ). Targeting use in portable appliances and products powered by a single cell, this circuit flashes an LED to provide a highly visible ...
    Jun 23, 2016
  8. A Hunt EDN When I was recently debugging a design, I discovered that a short circuit existed from a ground plane to a power plane. I did not have access to a milliohmmeter or an equivalent tester for locating this type of short circuit. So, I ...
    Mar 22, 2016

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