Circuits & Schematics - Music

Subsection: "Music"
Search results: 4 Output: 1-4
  1. Here is a new version of the classic color organ, where different color lights are triggered by different frequencies of sound, resulting in a display that flashes along to music. In this case the newer type high intensity LEDs (3000 - 5000mcd) ...
    Nov 13, 2008
  2. What could be better than having a little instrument with you all the time, hidden in your hat? Insiders Tip: Don't take this to the airport. The inspiration for this project came while on the long road trip to Austin last weekend, and I finally ...
    Nov 6, 2008
  1. This Design Idea uses the FT232BM from Future Technology Devices International , a USB-to-UART interface IC that you need not program, to interface a USB port to the MIDI (musical-instrument-digital-interface) bus. The USB signals directly ...
    May 21, 2008
  2. Nophead Although I am fortunate enough to have a project room which is nearly 3 m by 4 m, as you can see it almost completely full of junk. The large glass fronted MDF box on the far left next to HydraRaptor is a 400 CD jukebox that I designed and ...
    Mar 4, 2008