Circuits & Schematics - High Voltage

Subsection: "High Voltage"
Search results: 24 Output: 1-10
  1. Peter Demchenko
    Junction field-effect transistors (JFETs) usually require some reverse bias voltage to be applied to a gate terminal. In HF and UHF applications, this bias is often provided using the voltage across the source resistor R S (Figure 1). Figure 1. ...
    Jun 5, 2024
  2. Philip Lane
    This design for a photonic switch needs more than approximately 70 V at the cathode of a duo-lateral optical position-sensing device. This voltage gets speedy response at longer wavelengths, such as 980 nm. The circuit uses fast transimpedance ...
    Apr 1, 2024
  1. Stephen Woodward
    Besides its mind-boggling simplicity and programmable resolution, the chief attribute of the Shannon decoder DAC (SD) is speed ( Ref. 1 ), converting a serial n-bit digital stream into an analog signal in just nT seconds where T = 1 bit time. Of ...
    Jul 6, 2023
  2. Mitchell Lee
    There are a surprising number of high output voltage applications for LTC’s micropower DC/DC converter family. These applications include electroluminescent panels, specialized sensing tubes and xenon strobes. One of the key features of the ...
    May 16, 2023
  3. Jim Williams
    Before proceeding any further, the reader is warned that caution must be used in the construction, testing and use of this circuit. High voltage, lethal potentials are present in this circuit. Extreme caution must be used in working with, and ...
    May 12, 2023
  4. Francis Rodes
    Applications ranging from frequency counting and synthesis to sensor signal conditioning require conversion of RF signals to digital-logic levels. In such situations, designers typically use a high-speed voltage comparator to perform the ...
    Nov 9, 2021
  5. Francis Rodes
    Some transducers for portable or automotive applications need accurately regulated, high-voltage bias and draw little current. To produce such high voltages from a low battery voltage, designers typically use switch-mode dc/dc converters generally, ...
    Sep 1, 2021
  6. Jui-I Tsai, Woei-Wu Pai, Feng-Chang Hsu, Po-Jui Chen, Ching-Cheng Teng, Tai-Shan Liao EDN Most laboratories and industrial environments have many kinds of electrical-noise sources at all frequencies from heavy machinery, instruments, power ...
    Sep 10, 2020
  7. Gavin Watkins EDN A recent project evaluated the feasibility of a dynamic load modulation (DLM) RF power amplifier for 5G. DLM amplifiers typically use high-voltage varactor diodes in their output network, which need to be driven by high-speed ...
    Aug 27, 2020
  8. EDN You sometimes need a current source for supply voltages as high as 1000 V or more. This current source can be useful for ripple-voltage reduction when the current source’s high-impedance node feeds an electrolytic capacitor to effectively ...
    Jul 18, 2020