Circuits & Schematics - Theory

Subsection: "Theory"
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  1. Ricardo Jimenez Roberto Solorio
    This fast-executing program and simple circuit allows a PIC MCU to linearize a thermistor and accurately determine and display the temperature from its measured resistance. When you need to measure temperature using thermistors, you face the ...
    May 20, 2015
  2. Application Note AND9151/D November 2013 Creating and distributing clock signals are the heartbeat of digital systems. Today's high-end systems demand extremely low noise clock signal integrity. Jitter, and more recently, phase noise, are the most ...
    Nov 30, 2013
  1. Application Note AND9127/D February 2013 This application note examines methods of evaluating the ruggedness of IGBTs offered by ON Semiconductor. The three measures discussed are the gate voltage rating, the short circuit rating and the UIS ...
    Nov 30, 2013
  2. Electronic Design Europe 10.02.11 Yossi Barkan Some systems require a voltage limiter to protect the input circuit. Designers can connect diodes to V CC and Gnd to create a simple solution (Fig. 1). This simplicity, however, comes at a ...
    Mar 9, 2011
  3. Marco Girolami Stefano Salvatori
    Generate a pair of quadrature-phase digital signals. The circuit in this Design Idea realizes a simple, low-cost lock-in amplifier employing an Analog Devices AD630 balanced modulator-demodulator IC (Reference 1). The device uses laser-trimmed ...
    Dec 24, 2009
  4. By adding a transistor with some capacitors, diodes, and resistors, you can transform a pure-manual reset to an automatic reset with adjustable hold time for the reset IC. In most applications, the (manual-reset) pin usually connects to a switch to ...
    Apr 11, 2008
  5. The recent advent of Analog Devices ADCMP60x family of comparators has filled a gap between the less-than-1-µsec-response comparators consuming 100 to 200 mW and those exhibiting approximately 1-µsec response, requiring about ...
    Nov 26, 2007
  6. Ease 8-bit microcontroller programming with a simple formula to calculate hex values of ADC output. This Design Idea is for low-end, eight-pin, flash-memory, 8-bit microcontrollers, such as the MC68HC908QT4A from Freescale, but it would apply to ...
    Nov 4, 2007