Circuits & Schematics FTDI

Manufacturer: "FTDI"
Search results: 2 Output: 1-2
  1. Jacob Beningo
    Circuits Interfaces Computers and Peripherals FTDI FT232R ADuM3211 Si8421BB-D-IS
    I stood in stunned silence at the smoke billowing up from the hardware on the workbench. Just moments before, it had been operating as expected, before self-destructing with a sound that can only be compared with a gunshot. The failure of the ...
    May 18, 2016
  2. This Design Idea uses the FT232BM from Future Technology Devices International , a USB-to-UART interface IC that you need not program, to interface a USB port to the MIDI (musical-instrument-digital-interface) bus. The USB signals directly ...
    May 21, 2008