Circuits & Schematics Fairchild - 2

Manufacturer: "Fairchild"
Search results: 32 Output: 11-20
  1. Luca Bruno
    You can build a self-oscillating H bridge by replacing the pullup collector resistors of a classical BJT (bipolar-junction-transistor) astable multivibrator with PNP BJTs (Figure 1). Because this circuit oscillates at supply voltages as low as 0.6 ...
    Feb 15, 2023
  2. Mithun K. Das
    Sometimes, you may need to make a DC/DC converter with minor components that can handle small loads. In this article, we are going to make something like that. This DC/DC converter using transistor has only a few components and can handle small ...
    Jan 12, 2023
  1. Luca Bruno
    Lighting LEDs from a single 1.5 V cell poses a problem because their forward voltages are higher than the cell’s. The simplest way to light the LED is to use a step-up dc/dc converter. This Design Idea offers a simple and reliable alternative ...
    Dec 23, 2022
  2. José María Espí Rafael García-Gil
    For many applications that require power-supply currents of a few amperes or less, three-terminal adjustable-output linear voltage regulators, such as LM317 , offer ease of use, low cost, and full on-chip overload protection. The addition of a few ...
    Nov 5, 2021
  3. Steve Pomeroy Russell Hedges
    In the circuit of Figure 1, assume that a brush-type dc motor must drive a load back and forth between two endpoints on a lead screw. Optical sensors determine end of travel, and an SPDT switch selects to which end to send the load. The sensors ...
    Sep 21, 2021
  4. Patrick Van Torre
    Over the years, various power-off circuits have been published. However, the circuit proposed here is very simple and has excellent characteristics. It features a fast power-off transition, with only 8 mV voltage drop at power on and sub-µA ...
    Sep 7, 2021
  5. Many applications that use 110 V/230 V-ac mains require a ZCD (zero-crossing-detection) circuit for the ac-line voltage, for example, to synchronize the switching of loads. One method of ZCD uses a high-value current-limiting resistor or a ...
    Jul 1, 2021
  6. Stephen Woodward
    A popular category of aiming/pointing aids is the reflex, or “red-dot,” sight. This system finds use in such diverse applications as astronomy, archery, and shooting. In the reflex sight, light from an internal source typically a ...
    Mar 3, 2021
  7. Susanne Nell
    You sometimes need to drive a white LED from one 1.5 V battery. Unfortunately, the forward voltage of a white LED is 3 to 4 V. So, you would need a dc/dc converter to drive the LED from one battery. Using the simple circuit in Figure 1, you can ...
    Feb 12, 2021
  8. This Design Idea describes a single white-LED torch, which can be housed in an empty glue-stick tube and has a long rechargeable-battery life. The circuit is constructed with just a few commonly available parts. This torch has proven to be highly ...
    Nov 3, 2020

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