Noël Boutin

Noël Boutin

Noel Boutin is a Professor in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Sherbrooke, Pennsylvania, Canada. As a member of the Faculty of Education's Center for Research and Development in Higher Education, he is interested in innovative teaching methods. In particular, he has contributed to the creation of problem-based and project-based learning in engineering in undergraduate programs in electrical and computer engineering.

Areas of interest of the author: Analogue Design Audio

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Noël Boutin:

  1. Use time-domain analysis of Zobel network
    A Zobel network is useful in making a reactive load appear as a pure resistance to a driving source prone to stability problems (Reference 1). A typical situation is an audio power amplifier driving a loudspeaker, modeled at first approximation as an inductance and a series...
    Jul 6, 2023