Michael O’Sullivan has worked at Analog Devices since 2004. Currently the product and test engineering manager of the Integrated Amplifier Products Group, he supports product characterization and release of very-high-precision specialty amplifiers such as instrumentation and difference amplifiers. Previously, Mike worked as a product engineer in the semiconductor field for over 14 years.
Michael O'Sullivan
Michael O'Sullivan
Areas of interest of the author: Measurement
Co-authors: Moshe Gerstenhaber
Publications on RadioLocman by the author Michael O'Sullivan:
- High-Resolution Temperature MeasurementMichael O'Sullivan Moshe GerstenhaberThe AD8494 thermocouple amplifier includes an on-chip temperature sensor, normally used for cold-junction compensation, allowing the device to be used as a standalone Celsius thermometer by grounding the thermocouple inputs. In this configuration, the amplifier produces a...28-06-2011