Howard Johnson

Howard Johnson

Howard Johnson

Howard Johnson is an electrical engineer, known for his consulting work and commonly referenced books on the topic of signal integrity, especially for high speed electronic circuit design. He served as the chief technical editor for Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet standardisation, and was recognized by the IEEE as an "Outstanding Contributor" to the IEEE P802.3z Gigabit Task Force.

Johnson earned his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (1978), Masters of Electrical Engineering (1979), and PhD (1982) from Rice University. His dissertation was titled "The design of DFT algorithms."

Areas of interest of the author: Signal Processing, Filters Digital

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Howard Johnson:

  1. It's a Gaussian world
    A previous article suggests that most digital output waveforms follow a nearly Gaussian profile (Reference 1). Let’s test that theory. Figure 1 depicts the rising edge from a Texas Instruments DL100-44T LVDS (low-voltage-differential-signaling) driver. This driver...
    Feb 10, 2025
  2. Real signals
    Which step in Figure 1 best approximates the digital signals you work with every day? The piecewise-linear step starts with a jerk, mindlessly follows a perfectly uniform ramp, and smacks hard into its upper limit. Real signals don’t do that. The smooth-looking curve...
    Feb 10, 2025
  3. Make it better
    The circuit in Figure 1 includes a plethora of termination options. The figure shows four results using various combinations of component values, each observed at the point indicated by the purple arrow. Figure 1. With R1 = 4.7 Ω, adding R2...
    Dec 8, 2014