Aaron Lager

Aaron Lager

Aaron Lager

Aaron Lager, based in Huntsville, AL, US, is currently a Electrical Eng. Stf. at Lockheed Martin. Aaron Lager brings experience from previous roles at General Dynamics, Panamax and Airmonitor Corporation. Aaron Lager holds a 1995 – 2002 Bachelor of Science (BS) in Computer Engineering @ California State University-Chico. With a robust skill set that includes Product Development, Electronics, Consumer Electronics, Embedded Systems, Cross-functional Team Leadership and more.

Areas of interest of the author: Supply Light

Publications on RadioLocman by the author Aaron Lager:

  1. Line-powered driver lights up high-power LEDs
    Using LEDs has gained popularity as a method of saving power for general-purpose lighting, but an efficient method for driving them has also become a necessity. For example, Lumileds' Luxeon devices create lighting effects or room lighting. Providing power to a few LEDs may...
    Apr 1, 2020
  2. Use a 555 timer as a switch-mode power supply
    Most switch-mode power supplies rely on a PWM (pulse-width-modulated) output that is controlled via voltage feedback. A 555-timer IC can inexpensively perform PWM. The circuit in Figure 1 shows how to turn a 555 PWM circuit into an switch-mode power supply with only one...
    Mar 2, 2020
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