Datasheet Texas Instruments SN74AS10D

ManufacturerTexas Instruments
Part NumberSN74AS10D
Datasheet Texas Instruments SN74AS10D

Triple 3-Input Positive-NAND Gates 14-SOIC 0 to 70


Triple 3-Input Positive-NAND Gates datasheet
PDF, 915 Kb, Revision: B, File published: Dec 1, 1994
Extract from the document



Lifecycle StatusActive (Recommended for new designs)
Manufacture's Sample AvailabilityNo


Package TypeD
Industry STD TermSOIC
Package QTY50
Device MarkingAS10
Width (mm)3.91
Length (mm)8.65
Thickness (mm)1.58
Pitch (mm)1.27
Max Height (mm)1.75
Mechanical DataDownload


F @ Nom Voltage(Max)35 Mhz
ICC @ Nom Voltage(Max)0.0022 mA
Operating Temperature Range0 to 70 C
Output Drive (IOL/IOH)(Max)0.4/-8 mA
Package GroupSOIC
Package Size: mm2:W x L14SOIC: 52 mm2: 6 x 8.65(SOIC) PKG
Schmitt TriggerNo
Technology FamilyAS
VCC(Max)5.5 V
VCC(Min)4.5 V
Voltage(Nom)5 V
tpd @ Nom Voltage(Max)4.5 ns

Eco Plan


Application Notes

  • Advanced Schottky Load Management
    PDF, 277 Kb, File published: Feb 1, 1997
    Designers of high-speed systems that include advanced Schottky (AS) devices must consider the operating environment in their work. They must be aware of the individual device characteristics and their interaction with other devices. This document provides a detailed discussion of the waveform characteristics equivalent circuit models transmission line fanout and termination for AS load manageme
  • Advanced Schottky (ALS and AS) Logic Families
    PDF, 1.9 Mb, File published: Aug 1, 1995
    This document introduces the advanced Schottky family of clamped TTL integrated circuits (ICs). Detailed electrical characteristics of the 'AS and 'ALS devices with table formats are provided. Guidelines for designing high-performance digital systems using the Advanced Schottky family are given along with a brief summary of the solutions to most design decisions needed to implement systems using t

Model Line

Manufacturer's Classification

  • Semiconductors > Logic > Gate > NAND Gate