Datasheet Texas Instruments TPS7150QDRG4

ManufacturerTexas Instruments
Part NumberTPS7150QDRG4
Datasheet Texas Instruments TPS7150QDRG4

500mA, Low-Dropout Voltage Regulator 8-SOIC -40 to 125


Low-Dropout Voltage Regulators datasheet
PDF, 1.3 Mb, Revision: G, File published: Jan 22, 2003
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Lifecycle StatusActive (Recommended for new designs)
Manufacture's Sample AvailabilityNo


Package TypeD
Industry STD TermSOIC
Package QTY2500
CarrierLARGE T&R
Width (mm)3.91
Length (mm)4.9
Thickness (mm)1.58
Pitch (mm)1.27
Max Height (mm)1.75
Mechanical DataDownload


Accuracy3 %
FeaturesEnable,Power Good
Fixed Output Options3.3,4.8,5 V
Iout(Max)0.5 A
Iq(Typ)0.28 mA
Noise89 uVrms
Operating Temperature Range-40 to 125 C
Output Capacitor TypeNon-Ceramic
Output OptionsAdjustable Output,Fixed Output
PSRR @ 100KHz3 dB
Package GroupSOIC
Package Size: mm2:W x L8SOIC: 29 mm2: 6 x 4.9(SOIC) PKG
Regulated Outputs1
Thermal Resistance ОёJA106 В°C/W
Vdo(Typ)235 mV
Vin(Max)10 V
Vin(Min)2.5 V
Vout(Max)9.75 V
Vout(Min)1.2 V

Eco Plan


Application Notes

  • TMS320C62x/67x Power Supply Solutions for 1-2 DSPs Using the TL5001A and TPS7133 (Rev. A)
    PDF, 190 Kb, Revision: A, File published: Jun 1, 1999
    This application report describes a low-cost power solution for Texas Instruments' TMS320C6000 DSP applications using the TL5001PWM controller and the TPS7133 low drop-out voltage regulator. The reference design included in this report uses the TL5001AEVM-122 (SLVP122) evaluation module (EVM) which is available for customer testing and evaluation.
  • Power Supply Sequencing Solutions for Dual Supply Voltage DSPs (Rev. A)
    PDF, 104 Kb, Revision: A, File published: Jul 5, 2000
    This application report describes power-supply sequencing recommendations and techniques applicable to dual supply voltage DSPs in TI's TMS320C2000 TMS320C5000 and TMS320C6000 families. These techniques take advantage of the reset power good enable and soft-start features available on TI Power Management Products including low drop out regulators switching power supply controllers supply vol
  • Technical Review of Low Dropout Voltage Regulator Operation And Performance
    PDF, 284 Kb, File published: Aug 30, 1999
    This application report provides a technical review of low dropout (LDO) voltage regulators and describes fundamental concepts including dropout voltage quiescent current and topologies. The report also includes detailed discussions of load/line regulation efficiency frequency response range of stable ESR and accuracy of LDO voltage regulators.
  • Fundamental Theory of PMOS LDO Voltage Regulators
    PDF, 66 Kb, File published: May 7, 1999
    This report presents a fundamental understanding on the theory of low-dropout voltage regulators using a PMOS FET as the pass element to adjust the output current to the load requirements.
  • LDO Noise Demystified (Rev. A)
    PDF, 785 Kb, Revision: A, File published: Aug 9, 2017
    Thisapplicationreportexplainsthe differencebetweennoiseand PSRRof an LDO.It also explainsthedifferentwaysnoiseis specifiedin LDOdatasheetsandwhichspecificationshouldbe usedin theapplication.Finallyit explainshow LDOnoiseis reduced.
  • LDO PSRR Measurement Simplified (Rev. A)
    PDF, 131 Kb, Revision: A, File published: Aug 9, 2017
    This applicationreportexplainsdifferentmethodsof measuringthe PowerSupplyRejectionRatio(PSRR)of a Low-Dropout(LDO)regulatorand includesthe prosand consof thesemeasuringmethods

Model Line

Manufacturer's Classification

  • Semiconductors > Power Management > Linear Regulator (LDO) > Single Channel LDO