Datasheet Texas Instruments LM317LZ/LFT4

ManufacturerTexas Instruments
Part NumberLM317LZ/LFT4
Datasheet Texas Instruments LM317LZ/LFT4

100mA 40V Input Adjustable Linear Regulator 3-TO-92


LM317L-N Wide VIN 100-mA Adjustable Voltage Regulator datasheet
PDF, 1.9 Mb, Revision: L, File published: Jan 19, 2018
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Lifecycle StatusActive (Recommended for new designs)
Manufacture's Sample AvailabilityNo


Package TypeLPLP
Industry STD TermTO-92TO-92
Package QTY20002000
Device MarkingLZLM317
Width (mm)4.34.3
Length (mm)4.34.3
Thickness (mm)3.63.6
Pitch (mm)1.271.27
Max Height (mm)5.345.34
Mechanical DataDownloadDownload


Accuracy3 %
Iout(Max)0.1 A
Iq(Typ)0.05 mA
Noise38 uVrms
Operating Temperature Range-40 to 125 C
Output Capacitor TypeN/A
Output OptionsAdjustable Output
PSRR @ 100KHz63 dB
Package GroupTO-92
Package Size: mm2:W x L3TO-92: 19 mm2: 3.68 x 5.2(TO-92) PKG
Regulated Outputs1
Thermal Resistance ОёJA160 В°C/W
Vdo(Typ)1800 mV
Vin(Max)40 V
Vin(Min)4.2 V
Vout(Max)38 V
Vout(Min)1.2 V

Eco Plan


Application Notes

  • AN-181 3-Terminal Regulator is Adjustable (Rev. B)
    PDF, 314 Kb, Revision: B, File published: May 5, 2013
    Until now all of the 3-terminal power IC voltage regulators have a fixed output voltage. In spite of this limitation their ease of use low cost and full on-chip overload protection have generated wide acceptance. Now with the introduction of the LM117 it is possible to use a single regulator for any output voltage from 1.2 V to 37 V at 1.5A. Selecting close-tolerance outp
  • AN-1148 Linear Regulators: Theory of Operation and Compensation (Rev. B)
    PDF, 300 Kb, Revision: B, File published: May 6, 2013
    This application note discusses the operation and compensation of linear regulators.
  • TO-92 Packing Options / Ordering Instructions (Rev. A)
    PDF, 287 Kb, Revision: A, File published: Jun 23, 2010
  • Linear power for automated industrial systems
    PDF, 1.8 Mb, File published: Jan 9, 2015
    Designing a robust power management system for industrial automated equipment requires thorough understanding of the surroundings and conditions that affect the functionality. During the past few decades industrial and factory automation systems have become more robust intelligent and connected which has drastically increased the footprint for semiconductor components. This change has created a
  • AN-182 Improving Power Supply Reliability with IC Power Regulators (Rev. B)
    PDF, 82 Kb, Revision: B, File published: May 5, 2013
    This application report discusses improving power supply reliability with IC power regulators.
  • LDO PSRR Measurement Simplified (Rev. A)
    PDF, 131 Kb, Revision: A, File published: Aug 9, 2017
    This applicationreportexplainsdifferentmethodsof measuringthe PowerSupplyRejectionRatio(PSRR)of a Low-Dropout(LDO)regulatorand includesthe prosand consof thesemeasuringmethods

Model Line

Manufacturer's Classification

  • Semiconductors > Analog and Mixed-Signal > Power Management > Linear Regulator (LDO) > Single Channel LDO