Datasheet Linear Technology LT1034IZ-2.5

ManufacturerLinear Technology

Micropower Dual Reference


Datasheet LT1034-1.2, LT1034-2.5
PDF, 108 Kb, Language: en, File uploaded: Aug 12, 2017, Pages: 8
Micropower Dual Reference
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Package Outline Drawing
Package Outline Drawing
Package Outline Drawing
Package Outline Drawing
Package CodeZZZZ
Package Index05-08-141005-08-141005-08-141005-08-1410
Pin Count3333


Parameters / ModelsLT1034BIZ-2.5#PBFLT1034BIZ-2.5#TRPBFLT1034IZ-2.5#PBFLT1034IZ-2.5#TRPBF
Export Controlnononono
Initial Accuracy, %
Low Freq Noise, µVPP6666
Min Vin/Vout Differential, VShuntShuntShuntShunt
Operating Temperature Range, °C-40 to 85-40 to 85-40 to 85-40 to 85
Output Current RangeShuntShuntShuntShunt
Quiescent or Min Shunt Current, µA15151515
Ref Vout, V2.
Temp Co, ppm/В°C20202020

Eco Plan


Other Options

LT1034 LT1034BCZ-1.2 LT1034BCZ-2.5 LT1034BIZ-1.2 LT1034BIZ-2.5 LT1034CS8-1.2 LT1034CS8-2.5 LT1034CZ-1.2 LT1034CZ-2.5 LT1034IS8-1.2 LT1034IS8-2.5 LT1034IZ-1.2

Application Notes

  • Designing Linear Circuits for 5V Single Supply Operation &mdash AN11
    PDF, 230 Kb, File published: Sep 1, 1985
    This note covers the considerations for designing precision linear circuits which must operate from a single 5V supply. Applications include various transducer signal conditioners, instrumentation amplifiers, controllers and isolated data converters.
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  • Circuit Techniques for Clock Sources &mdash AN12
    PDF, 150 Kb, File published: Oct 1, 1985
    Circuits for clock sources are presented. Special attention is given to crystal-based designs including TXCOs and VXCOs.
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  • Circuitry for Single Cell Operation &mdash AN15
    PDF, 195 Kb, File published: Nov 1, 1985
    1.5V powered circuits for complex linear functions are detailed. Designs include a V/F converter, a 10-bit A/D, sample-hold amplifiers, a switching regulator and other circuits. Also included is a section of component considerations for 1.5V powered linear circuits.
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  • Micropower Circuits for Signal Conditioning &mdash AN23
    PDF, 2.2 Mb, File published: Apr 1, 1987
    Low power operation of electronic apparatus has become increasingly desirable. AN23 describes a variety of low power circuits for transducer signal conditioning. Also included are designs for data converters and switching regulators. Three appended sections discuss guidelines for micropower design, strobed power operation and effects of test equipment on micropower circuits.
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  • Bridge Circuits &mdash AN43
    PDF, 3.8 Mb, File published: Jun 1, 1990
    Subtitled "Marrying Gain and Balance," this note covers signal conditioning circuits for various types of bridges. Included are transducer bridges, AC bridges, Wien bridge oscillators, Schottky bridges, and others. Special attention is given to amplifier selection criteria. Appended sections cover strain gauge transducers, understanding distortion measurements, and historical perspectives on bridge readout mechanisms and Wein bridge oscillators.
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  • Data Acquisition Circuit Collection &mdash AN62
    PDF, 349 Kb, File published: Oct 1, 1994
    This application note presents a wide variety of data acquisition circuits. The detailed circuit schematics cover 8-, 10-, and 12- bit ADC and DAC applications, serial and parallel digital interfaces, battery monitoring, temperature sensing, isolated interfaces, and connections to various popular microprocessors and microcontrollers. An appendix covers suggested voltage references.
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  • A Seven-Nanosecond Comparator for Single Supply Operation &mdash AN72
    PDF, 882 Kb, File published: May 1, 1998
    AN72 is an extensive discussion of the causes and cures of problems in very high speed comparator circuits. A separate applications section uses the 7ns LT1394 in V-to-F converters, crystal oscillators, clock skew generators, triggers, sampling configurations and a nanosecond pulse stretcher. Appendices cover related topics.
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  • Power Conditioning Techniques for Batteries &mdash AN8
    PDF, 708 Kb, File published: May 1, 1985
    A variety of approaches for power conditioning batteries is given. Switching and linear regulators and converters are shown, with attention to efficiency and low power operation. 14 circuits are presented with performance data.
  • Understanding and Applying Voltage References &mdash AN82
    PDF, 172 Kb, File published: Nov 1, 1999
    Just how do bandgaps and buried Zeners stack up against Weston cells? Did you know your circuit board may induce more drift in a reference than time and temperature? Learn the answers to these and other commonly asked reference questions ranging from burn-in recommendations to ΔVBE generation in this Application Note.
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Design Notes

  • Micropower, Single Supply Applications: (1) A Self-Biased, Buffered Reference (2) Megaohm Input Impedance Difference Amplifier &mdash DN23
    PDF, 199 Kb, File published: Jun 1, 1989
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Model Line

Manufacturer's Classification

  • Signal Conditioning > Voltage References > Shunt Voltage References | Micropower Voltage References