Datasheet Skyworks SKY16603-632LF

Part NumberSKY16603-632LF

High-Linearity Dual PIN Diode Limiter 0.6 to 6.0 GHz


Datasheet SKY16603-632LF
PDF, 1.3 Mb, Language: en, File uploaded: Sep 1, 2020, Pages: 10
High-Linearity Dual PIN Diode Limiter
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Detailed Description

The SKY16603-632LF is a fully integrated dual PIN diode high-linearity limiter module in a surface-mount package.

It is designed for use as a passive receiver protector in wireless or other RF systems for frequencies up to 6 GHz. It features a low limiting threshold, low-insertion loss, excellent IIP3, and low IM distortion in a Dual Flat No Lead (DFN) package.

The SKY16603-632LF module is comprised of dual PIN limiter diodes and two DC blocking caps at the RF ports in a 2-lead DFN.

The small package design reduces printed circuit board area. The module can operate over the operating temperature range of -40˚C to +105˚C.

Manufacturer's Classification

  • Diodes

Other Names:

SKY16603632LF, SKY16603 632LF