Datasheet Dialog Semiconductor SLG46824G

ManufacturerDialog Semiconductor
Part NumberSLG46824G

GreenPAK Programmable Mixed-signal Matrix with In System Programmability


Datasheet SLG46824
PDF, 2.8 Mb, Language: en, File uploaded: Nov 17, 2020, Pages: 171
GreenPAK Programmable Mixed-signal Matrix with In System Programmability
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Detailed Description

17-GPIO, 2 ACMPs, I2C, 19 LUTs (max.), 8 CNT/DLY (max.), 17 DFF/LATCH (max.) and other Macrocells

The SLG46824 provides a small, low power component for commonly used mixed-signal functions.

The user creates the circuit design by programming the multiple time Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) to configure the interconnect logic, the IOs and the macrocells of the SLG46824. This highly versatile device allows a wide variety of mixed-signal functions to be designed within a very small, low power single integrated circuit.

Model Line

Manufacturer's Classification

  • GreenPAK Configurable Mixed-Signal > GreenPAK > GreenPAK with In System Programmability