Datasheet STMicroelectronics TDA7850

Part NumberTDA7850

4 x 50 W MOSFET Quad Bridge Power Amplifier


Datasheet TDA7850
PDF, 405 Kb, Language: en, File uploaded: Sep 16, 2024, Pages: 18
4 x 50 W MOSFET Quad Bridge Power Amplifier
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Detailed Description

The TDA7850 is a breakthrough MOSFET technology class AB audio power amplifier in Flexiwatt 25 package designed for high power car radio.

The fully complementary P-Channel/N- Channel output structure allows a rail to rail output voltage swing which, combined with high output current and minimized saturation losses sets new power references in the car-radio field, with unparalleled distortion performances.

Model Line

Series: TDA7850 (2)

Manufacturer's Classification

  • Automotive infotainment and telematics > Automotive audio power amplifiers > Automotive Class-AB Audio Power Amplifiers