Datasheet Analog Devices MAX6061

ManufacturerAnalog Devices

Precision, Micropower, Low-Dropout, High-Output-Current, SOT23 Voltage References


Datasheet MAX6061, MAX6062, MAX6063, MAX6064, MAX6065, MAX6066, MAX6067, MAX6068
PDF, 559 Kb, Language: en, File published: 20, 05/1, Pages: 16
Precision, Micropower, Low-Dropout, High-Output-Current, SOT23 Voltage References
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Detailed Description

The MAX6061-MAX6068 are precision, low-dropout, micropower voltage references.

These three-terminal devices operate with an input voltage range from (VOUT + 50mV typ) to 12.6V and are available with output voltage options of 1.25V, 1.8V, 2.048V, 2.5V, 3V, 4.096V, 4.5V, and 5V. They feature a proprietary curvature-correction circuit and laser-trimmed thin-film resistors that result in a very low temperature coefficient of 20ppm/°C (max) and an initial accuracy of ±0.2% (max). Specifications apply to the extended temperature range (-40°C to +85°C).

The MAX6061–MAX6068 typically draw only 90µA of supply current and can source 5mA or sink 2mA of load current. Unlike conventional shunt-mode (two-terminal) references that waste supply current and require an external resistor, these devices offer a supply current that is virtually independent of the supply voltage (8µA/V variation) and do not require an external resistor. Additionally, the internally compensated devices do not require an external compensation capacitor and are stable with up to 1µF of load capacitance. Eliminating the external compensation capacitor saves valuable board area in space-critical applications. Low dropout voltage and supply independent, ultra-low supply current make these devices ideal for battery-operated, high-performance, low-voltage systems.

The MAX6061–MAX6068 are available in a 3-pin SOT23 package.

Other Options

MAX6062 MAX6063 MAX6064 MAX6065 MAX6066 MAX6067 MAX6068

Model Line

Manufacturer's Classification

  • Analog Functions > Voltage References > Series Voltage References