Datasheet LT1995 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
Description32MHz, 1000V/µs Gain Selectable Amplifier
Pages / Page20 / 1 — FEATURES. DESCRIPTIO. Internal Gain Setting Resistors. Pin Configurable …
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FEATURES. DESCRIPTIO. Internal Gain Setting Resistors. Pin Configurable as a Difference Amplifier,

Datasheet LT1995 Analog Devices

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LT1995 32MHz, 1000V/µs Gain Selectable Amplifier

Internal Gain Setting Resistors
The LT®1995 is a high speed, high slew rate, gain select- ■
Pin Configurable as a Difference Amplifier,
able amplifier with excellent DC performance. Gains from
Inverting and Noninverting Amplifier
–7 to 8 with a gain accuracy of 0.2% can be achieved using ■
Difference Amplifier:
no external components. The device is particularly well
Gain Range 1 to 7
suited for use as a difference amplifier, where the excellent
CMRR > 65dB
resistor matching results in a typical common mode ■
Noninverting Amplifier:
rejection ratio of 79dB.
Gain Range 1 to 8
The amplifier is a single gain stage design similar to the ■
Inverting Amplifier:
LT1363 and features superb slewing and settling charac-
Gain Range –1 to –7
teristics. Input offset of the internal operational amplifier ■
Gain Error: <0.2%
is less than 2.5mV and the slew rate is 1000V/µs. The ■ Slew Rate: 1000V/µs output can drive a 150Ω load to ±2.5V on ±5V supplies, ■ Bandwidth: 32MHz (Gain = 1) making it useful in cable driver applications. ■ Op Amp Input Offset Voltage: 2.5mV Max ■ Quiescent Current: 9mA Max The resistors have excellent matching, 0.2% maximum at ■ Wide Supply Range: ±2.5V to ±15V room temperature and 0.3% from –40°C to 85°C. The ■ Available in 10-Lead MSOP and temperature coefficient of the resistors is typically 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) DFN Packages –30ppm/°C. The resistors are extremely linear with volt- age, resulting in a gain nonlinearity of 10ppm.
The LT1995 is fully specified at ±2.5V, ±5V and ±15V sup- plies and from –40°C to 85°C. The device is available in ■ Instrumentation Amplifier space saving 10-lead MSOP and 10-Lead (3mm × 3mm) ■ Current Sense Amplifier DFN packages. For a micropower precision amplifier with ■ Video Difference Amplifier precision resistors, see the LT1991 and LT1996. ■ Automatic Test Equipment , LTC and LT are registered trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
U TYPICAL APPLICATIO High Slew Rate Differential Gain of 1 Large-Signal Transient (G = 1)
M1 M2 M4 15V OUT 1k 4k 2k 4k – – INPUT RANGE 4k –15V TO 15V + + 2k LT1995 1k 4k 1995 TA01b REF P1 P2 P4 –15V 1995 TA01a 1995fb 1