Datasheet LTC2373-18 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
Description18-Bit, 1Msps, 8-Channel SAR ADC with 100dB SNR
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FeaTures. DescripTion. 1Msps Throughput Rate. 18-Bit Resolution with No Missing Codes

Datasheet LTC2373-18 Analog Devices

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LTC2373-18 18-Bit, 1Msps, 8-Channel SAR ADC with 100dB SNR
FeaTures DescripTion
1Msps Throughput Rate
The LTC®2373-18 is a low noise, high speed, 8-channel n
18-Bit Resolution with No Missing Codes
18-bit successive approximation register (SAR) ADC. Oper- n
8-Channel Multiplexer with Selectable Input Range
ating from a single 5V supply, the LTC2373-18 has a highly n
Fully Differential (±4.096V)
configurable, low crosstalk 8-channel input multiplexer, n
Pseudo-Differential Unipolar (0V to 4.096V)
supporting fully differential, pseudo-differential unipolar n
Pseudo-Differential Bipolar (±2.048V)
and pseudo-differential bipolar analog input ranges. The n
INL: ±2.75LSB (Maximum)
LTC2373-18 achieves ±2.75LSB INL (maximum) in all n
SNR: 100dB (Fully Differential)/95dB (Pseudo-
input ranges, no missing codes at 18-bits and 100dB (fully
Differential) (Typical) at fIN = 1kHz
differential)/ 95dB (pseudo-differential) SNR (typical). n
THD: –110dB (Typical) at fIN = 1kHz
n The LTC2373-18 has an onboard low drift (20ppm/°C max) Programmable Sequencer n 2.048V temperature-compensated reference and a single- Selectable Digital Gain Compression n shot capable reference buffer. The LTC2373-18 also has a Single 5V Supply with 1.8V to 5V I/O Voltages n high speed SPI-compatible serial interface that supports SPI-Compatible Serial I/O n 1.8V, 2.5V, 3.3V and 5V logic through which a sequencer Onboard 2.048V Reference and Reference Buffer n with a depth of 16 may be programmed. An internal os- No Pipeline Delay, No Cycle Latency n cillator sets the conversion time, easing external timing Power Dissipation 40mW (Typical) n considerations. The LTC2373-18 dissipates only 40mW Guaranteed Operation to 125°C n and automatically naps between conversions, leading to 32-Lead 5mm × 5mm QFN Package reduced power dissipation that scales with the sampling
rate. A sleep mode is also provided to reduce the power consumption of the LTC2373-18 to 300μW for further n Programmable Logic Controllers power savings during inactive periods. n Industrial Process Control L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks and n SoftSpan is a trademark of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property High Speed Data Acquisition of their respective owners. Protected by U.S. Patents, including 7705765, 7961132, 8319673. n Portable or Compact Instrumentation n ATE
Typical applicaTion Integral Nonlinearity vs Output Code
5V 4.096V 2.0 1.8V TO 5V FULLY DIFFERENTIAL 0V 10µF 2.2µF 1.5 BIPOLAR 0.1µF UNIPOLAR 0V 1.0 10Ω 4.096V CH0 VDD VDDLBYP OVDD RESET 0.5 + 1200pF CH1 LTC2373-18 RDL 0V CH2 0 CH3 + 4.096V 10Ω 1200pF MUX 18-BIT SDO – CH4 –0.5 SAMPLING ADC SCK INL ERROR (LSB) 0V CH5 – + – SDI CH6 + – –1.0 BUSY CH7 SAMPLE 4.096V CNV COM MUXOUT MUXOUT CLOCK ADCIN ADCIN REFBUF REFIN GND –1.5 0V 237318 TA01a 47µF 0.1µF –2.0 2.048V 0 65536 131072 196608 262144 OUTPUT CODE 2373 TA01b 237318f For more information 1 Document Outline Features Applications Description Typical Application Absolute Maximum Ratings Pin Configuration Order Information Electrical Characteristics Converter Characteristics Dynamic Accuracy Internal Reference Characteristics Reference Buffer Characteristics Digital Inputs and Digital Outputs Power Requirements ADC Timing Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Functional Block Diagram Timing Diagram