Datasheet AD7607 (Analog Devices) - 7

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
Description8-Channel DAS with 14-Bit, Bipolar, Simultaneous Sampling ADC
Pages / Page33 / 7 — AD7607. Data Sheet. TIMING SPECIFICATIONS. Table 3. Limit at TMIN, TMAX. …
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AD7607. Data Sheet. TIMING SPECIFICATIONS. Table 3. Limit at TMIN, TMAX. Parameter. Min. Typ. Max. Unit. Description

AD7607 Data Sheet TIMING SPECIFICATIONS Table 3 Limit at TMIN, TMAX Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Description

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AVCC = 4.75 V to 5.25 V, VDRIVE = 2.3 V to 5.25 V, VREF = 2.5 V external reference/internal reference, TA = TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted.1
Table 3. Limit at TMIN, TMAX Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Description

tCYCLE 1/throughput rate 5 µs Parallel mode, reading during or after conversion; or serial mode (VDRIVE = 3.3 V to 5.25 V), reading during a conversion using DOUTA and DOUTB lines 5 µs Serial mode reading during conversion; VDRIVE = 2.7 V 9.1 µs Serial mode reading after a conversion; VDRIVE = 2.3 V, DOUTA and DOUTB lines tCONV Conversion time 3.45 4 4.15 µs Oversampling off 7.87 9.1 µs Oversampling by 2 16.05 18.8 µs Oversampling by 4 33 39 µs Oversampling by 8 66 78 µs Oversampling by 16 133 158 µs Oversampling by 32 257 315 µs Oversampling by 64 tWAKE-UP STANDBY 100 µs STBY rising edge to CONVST x rising edge; power-up time from standby mode tWAKE-UP SHUTDOWN Internal Reference 30 ms STBY rising edge to CONVST x rising edge; power-up time from shutdown mode External Reference 13 ms STBY rising edge to CONVST x rising edge; power-up time from shutdown mode tRESET 50 ns RESET high pulse width tOS_SETUP 20 ns BUSY to OS x pin setup time tOS_HOLD 20 ns BUSY to OS x pin hold time t1 40 ns CONVST x high to BUSY high t2 25 ns Minimum CONVST x low pulse t3 25 ns Minimum CONVST x high pulse t4 0 ns BUSY falling edge to CS falling edge setup time t 2 5 0.5 ms Maximum delay al owed between CONVST A, CONVST B rising edges t6 25 ns Maximum time between last CS rising edge and BUSY fal ing edge t7 25 ns Minimum delay between RESET low to CONVST x high PARALLEL/BYTE READ OPERATION t8 0 ns CS to RD setup time t9 0 ns CS to RD hold time t10 RD low pulse width 16 ns VDRIVE above 4.75 V 21 ns VDRIVE above 3.3 V 25 ns VDRIVE above 2.7 V 32 ns VDRIVE above 2.3 V t11 15 ns RD high pulse width t12 22 ns CS high pulse width (see Figure 5); CS and RD linked Rev. C | Page 6 of 32 Document Outline FEATURES APPLICATIONS FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY GENERAL DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATIONS TIMING SPECIFICATIONS Timing Diagrams ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS THERMAL RESISTANCE ESD CAUTION PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TERMINOLOGY THEORY OF OPERATION CONVERTER DETAILS ANALOG INPUT Analog Input Ranges Analog Input Impedance Analog Input Clamp Protection Analog Input Antialiasing Filter Track-and-Hold Amplifiers ADC TRANSFER FUNCTION INTERNAL/EXTERNAL REFERENCE External Reference Mode Internal Reference Mode TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM POWER-DOWN MODES CONVERSION CONTROL Simultaneous Sampling on All Analog Input Channels Simultaneously Sampling Two Sets of Channels DIGITAL INTERFACE PARALLEL INTERFACE (/SER/BYTE SEL = 0) PARALLEL BYTE INTERFACE (/SER/BYTE SEL = 1, DB15 = 1) SERIAL INTERFACE (/SER/BYTE SEL = 1) READING DURING CONVERSION DIGITAL FILTER LAYOUT GUIDELINES OUTLINE DIMENSIONS ORDERING GUIDE NOTES