Datasheet AD9627 (Analog Devices)
Manufacturer | Analog Devices |
Description | 12-Bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS/125 MSPS/150 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter |
Pages / Page | 77 / 1 — 12-Bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS/125 MSPS/150 MSPS,. 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital … |
Revision | B |
File Format / Size | PDF / 2.4 Mb |
Document Language | English |
12-Bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS/125 MSPS/150 MSPS,. 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter. AD9627. FEATURES. FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM
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12-Bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS/125 MSPS/150 MSPS, 1.8 V Dual Analog-to-Digital Converter AD9627 FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM SNR = 69.4 dBc (70.4 dBFS) to 70 MHz @ 125 MSPS SDIO/ SCLK/ AVDD DVDD FD(0:3)A DCS DFS CSB DRVDD SFDR = 85 dBc to 70 MHz @ 125 MSPS Low power: 750 mW @ 125 MSPS R FD BITS/THRESHOLD SPI SNR = 69.2 dBc (70.2 dBFS) to 70 MHz @ 150 MSPS DETECT FFE S U D11A O SFDR = 84 dBc to 70 MHz @ 150 MSPS B T PROGRAMMING DATA CM U Low power: 820 mW @ 150 MSPS VIN+A P D0A T SHA ADC 1.8 V analog supply operation OU VIN–A SIGNAL 1.8 V to 3.3 V CMOS output supply or 1.8 V LVDS CLK+ MONITOR VREF output supply CLK– SENSE DIVIDE Integer 1-to-8 input clock divider DCOA 1 TO 8 DCO IF sampling frequencies to 450 MHz CML REF GENERATION DCOB SELECT Internal ADC voltage reference DUTY CYCLE RBIAS STABILIZER R D11B Integrated ADC sample-and-hold inputs E F Flexible analog input range: 1 V p-p to 2 V p-p S VIN–B D0B O BUF SHA ADC Differential analog inputs with 650 MHz bandwidth CM UT VIN+B P SIGNAL MONITOR ADC clock duty cycle stabilizer UT DATA O AD9627 95 dB channel isolation/crosstalk MULTICHIP FD BITS/THRESHOLD SIGNAL MONITOR Serial port control SYNC DETECT INTERFACE User-configurable, built-in self-test (BIST) capability Energy-saving power-down modes AGND SYNC FD(0:3)B SMI SMI SMI DRGND Integrated receive features SDFS SCLK/ SDO/ PDWN OEB Fast detect/threshold bits NOTES
06571- Figure 1.
APPLICATIONS Communications PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS Diversity radio systems Multimode digital receivers (3G)
1. Integrated dual, 12-bit, 80 MSPS/105 MSPS/125 MSPS/
2. Fast overrange detect and signal monitor with serial output.
I/Q demodulation systems
3. Signal monitor block with dedicated serial output mode.
Smart antenna systems
4. Proprietary differential input that maintains excellent SNR
General-purpose software radios
performance for input frequencies up to 450 MHz.
Broadband data applications
5. Operation from a single 1.8 V supply and a separate digital output driver supply to accommodate 1.8 V to 3.3 V logic families. 6. Standard serial port interface (SPI) that supports various product features and functions, such as data formatting (offset binary, twos complement, or gray coding), enabling the clock DCS, power-down, test modes, and voltage reference mode. 7. Pin compatibility with the AD9640, AD9627-11, and AD9600 for a simple migration from 12 bits to 14 bits, 11 bits, or 10 bits.
Rev. B Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Tel: 781.329.4700 Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2007–2010 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
Document Outline Features Applications Functional Block Diagram Product Highlights Revision History General Description Specifications ADC DC Specifications—AD9627-80/AD9627-105 ADC DC Specifications—AD9627-125/AD9627-150 ADC AC Specifications—AD9627-80/AD9627-105 ADC AC Specifications—AD9627-125/AD9627-150 Digital Specifications Switching Specifications—AD9627-80/AD9627-105 Switching Specifications—AD9627-125/AD9627-150 Timing Specifications Timing Diagrams Absolute Maximum Ratings Thermal Characteristics ESD Caution Pin Configurations and Function Descriptions Equivalent Circuits Typical Performance Characteristics Theory of Operation ADC Architecture Analog Input Considerations Input Common Mode Differential Input Configurations Single-Ended Input Configuration Voltage Reference Internal Reference Connection External Reference Operation Clock Input Considerations Clock Input Options Input Clock Divider Clock Duty Cycle Jitter Considerations Power Dissipation and Standby Mode Digital Outputs Digital Output Enable Function (OEB) Timing Data Clock Output (DCO) ADC Overrange and Gain Control Fast Detect Overview ADC Fast Magnitude ADC Overrange (OR) Gain Switching Coarse Upper Threshold (C_UT) Fine Upper Threshold (F_UT) Fine Lower Threshold (F_LT) Increment Gain (IG) and Decrement Gain (DG) Signal Monitor Peak Detector Mode RMS/MS Magnitude Mode Threshold Crossing Mode Additional Control Bits Signal Monitor Enable Bit Complex Power Calculation Mode Enable Bit DC Correction DC Correction Bandwidth DC Correction Readback DC Correction Freeze DC Correction Enable Bits Signal Monitor SPORT Output SMI SCLK SMI SDFS SMI SDO Built-In Self-Test (BIST) and Output Test Built-In Self-Test (BIST) Output Test Modes Channel/Chip Synchronization Serial Port Interface (SPI) Configuration Using the SPI Hardware Interface Configuration Without the SPI SPI Accessible Features Memory Map Reading the Memory Map Register Table Open Locations Default Values Logic Levels Transfer Register Map Channel-Specific Registers Memory Map Register Table Memory Map Register Descriptions Sync Control (Register 0x100) Bit 7—Signal Monitor Sync Enable Bits[6:3]—Reserved Bit 2—Clock Divider Next Sync Only Bit 1—Clock Divider Sync Enable Bit 0—Master Sync Enable Fast Detect Control (Register 0x104) Bits[7:4]—Reserved Bits[3:1]—Fast Detect Mode Select Bit 0—Fast Detect Enable Coarse Upper Threshold (Register 0x105) Bits[7:3]—Reserved Bits[2:0]—Coarse Upper Threshold Fine Upper Threshold (Register 0x106 and Register 0x107) Register 0x106, Bits[7:0]—Fine Upper Threshold[7:0] Register 0x107, Bits[7:5]—Reserved Register 0x107, Bits[4:0]—Fine Upper Threshold[12:8] Fine Lower Threshold (Register 0x108 and Register 0x109) Register 0x108, Bits[7:0]—Fine Lower Threshold[7:0] Register 0x109, Bits[7:5]—Reserved Register 0x109, Bits[4:0]—Fine Lower Threshold[12:8] Increase Gain Dwell Time (Register 0x10A and Register 0x10B) Register 0x10A, Bits[7:0]—Increase Gain Dwell Time[7:0] Register 0x10B, Bits[7:0]—Increase Gain Dwell Time[15:8] Signal Monitor DC Correction Control (Register 0x10C) Bit 7—Reserved Bit 6—DC Correction Freeze Bits[5:2]—DC Correction Bandwidth Bit 1—DC Correction for Signal Path Enable Bit 0—DC Correction for Signal Monitor Enable Signal Monitor DC Value Channel A (Register 0x10D and Register 0x10E) Register 0x10D, Bits[7:0]—DC Value Channel A[7:0] Register 0x10E, Bits[7:6]—Reserved Register 0x10E, Bits[5:0]—DC Value Channel A[13:8] Signal Monitor DC Value Channel B (Register 0x10F and Register 0x110) Register 0x10F, Bits[7:0]—DC Value Channel B[7:0] Register 0x110, Bits[7:6]—Reserved Register 0x110, Bits[5:0]—DC Value Channel B[13:8] Signal Monitor SPORT Control (Register 0x111) Bit 7—Reserved Bit 6—RMS/MS Magnitude Output Enable Bit 5—Peak Detector Output Enable Bit 4—Threshold Crossing Output Enable Bits[3:2]—SPORT SMI SCLK Divide Bit 1— SPORT SMI SCLK Sleep Bit 0—Signal Monitor SPORT Output Enable Signal Monitor Control (Register 0x112) Bit 7—Complex Power Calculation Mode Enable Bits[6:4]—Reserved Bit 3—Signal Monitor RMS/MS Select Bits[2:1]—Signal Monitor Mode Bit 0—Signal Monitor Enable Signal Monitor Period (Register 0x113 to Register 0x115) Register 0x113, Bits[7:0]—Signal Monitor Period[7:0] Register 0x114, Bits[7:0]—Signal Monitor Period[15:8] Register 0x115, Bits[7:0]—Signal Monitor Period[23:16] Signal Monitor Result Channel A (Register 0x116 to Register 0x118) Register 0x116, Bits[7:0]—Signal Monitor Result Channel A[7:0] Register 0x117, Bits[7:0]—Signal Monitor Result Channel A[15:8] Register 0x118, Bits[7:4]—Reserved Register 0x118, Bits[3:0]—Signal Monitor Result Channel A[19:16] Signal Monitor Result Channel B (Register 0x119 to Register 0x11B) Register 0x119, Bits[7:0]— Signal Monitor Result Channel B[7:0] Register 0x11A, Bits[7:0]—Signal Monitor Result Channel B[15:8] Register 0x11B, Bits[7:4]—Reserved Register 0x11B, Bits[3:0]—Signal Monitor Result Channel B[19:16] Applications Information Design Guidelines Power and Ground Recommendations LVDS Operation Exposed Paddle Thermal Heat Slug Recommendations CML RBIAS Reference Decoupling SPI Port Evaluation Board Power Supplies Input Signals Output Signals Default Operation and Jumper Selection Settings POWER VIN CLOCK PDWN CSB SCLK/DFS SDIO/DCS Alternative Clock Configurations Alternative Analog Input Drive Configuration Schematics Evaluation Board Layouts Bill of Materials Outline Dimensions Ordering Guide