AD7874 Some applications may require that the conversion is initiated AD7874–8086 Interface by the microprocessor rather than an external timer. One option Figure 16 shows an interface between the AD7874 and the 8086 is to decode the AD7874 CONVST from the address bus so microprocessor. Unlike the previous interface examples, the that a write operation starts a conversion. Data is read at the microprocessor initiates conversion. This is achieved by gating end of the conversion sequence as before. Figure 16 shows an the 8086 WR signal with a decoded address output (different to example of initiating conversion using this method. Note that the AD7874 CS address). The AD7874 INT line is used to in- for all interfaces, a read operation should not be attempted dur- terrupt the microprocessor when the conversion sequence is ing conversion. completed. Data is read from the AD7874 using the following instruction: AD7874–MC68000 Interface An interface between the AD7874 and the MC68000 is shown MOV AX,ADC in Figure 15. As before, conversion is initiated using an external where AX is the 8086 accumulator and timer. The AD7874 INT line can be used to interrupt the pro- ADC is the AD7874 address. cessor or, alternatively, software delays can ensure that conver- sion has been completed before a read to the AD7874 is attempted. Because of the nature of its interrupts, the 68000 ADDRESS BUS requires additional logic (not shown in Figure 15) to allow it to be interrupted correctly. For further information on 68000 in- ADDR terrupts, consult the 68000 users manual. 8086DECODECS The MC68000 AS and R/W outputs are used to generate a separate RD input signal for the AD7874. CS is used to drive AD7874*ALELATCH the 68000 DTACK input to allow the processor to execute a normal read operation to the AD7874. The conversion results CONVSTWR are read using the following 68000 instruction: RDRD MOVE.W ADC,D0 where D0 is the 68000 D0 register and DB11 ADC is the AD7874 address. DB0AD15A15TIMERADDRESS/DATA BUSADDRESS BUSAD0A0*ADDITIONAL PINS OMITTED FOR CLARITYADDRCONVST Figure 16. AD7874–8086 Interface MC68000DECODECSENDTACKAD7874*ASRDR/WDB11DB0D15DATA BUSD0*ADDITIONAL PINS OMITTED FOR CLARITY Figure 15. AD7874–MC68000 Interface REV. C –11–