link to page 11 link to page 11 link to page 11 Data SheetAD8362OPERATION IN CONTROLLER MODE To operate in controller mode, the link between VSET and The AD8362 provides a controller mode feature at the VOUT VOUT is broken. A setpoint voltage is applied to the VSET pin. Using VSET for the setpoint voltage, it is possible for the input, while VOUT is connected to the gain control terminal AD8362 to control subsystems such as power amplifiers (PAs), of the VGA, and the AD8362 RF input is connected to the out- VGAs, or variable voltage attenuators (VVAs), which have put of the VGA (generally using a directional coupler or power output power that decreases monotonically with respect to splitter and some additional attenuation). Based on the defined their (increasing) gain control signal. relationship between VOUT and the RF input signal when the device is in measurement mode, the AD8362 adjusts the voltage CONTROLLED SYSTEM on VOUT (VOUT is now an error amplifier output) until the (OUTPUT POWERDECREASES ASVAPC INCREASES) level at the RF input corresponds to the applied VSET. For POUTOUTPUTINPUTPVAPCIN example, in a closed loop system, if VSET is set to 3 V, VOUT OUTPUT CONTROL VOLTAGE increases or decreases until the input signal is equal to 0 dBm. 0.1V TO 4.9V This relationship follows directly from the measurement mode VSATTNAD8362 transfer function (see Figure 10, Figure 11, and Figure 12). 1 COMMACOM 16 Therefore, when the AD8362 operates in controller mode, there C11:4 Z-RATIOC80.1µF1000pF2 CHPFVREF 15 is no defined relationship between VSET and VOUT. VOUT C6C43 DECLVTGT 141nF settles to a value that results in balance between the input signal C10100pFC21000pF4 INHIVPOS 131nF levels appearing at INHI/INLO and VSET. 5 INLOVOUT 12C7SETPOINTC5 For this output power control loop to be stable, a ground- 1nFVOLTAGE100pF6 DECLVSET 11T1INPUTETC1.6-4-2-3 referenced capacitor must be connected to the CLPF pin. 0V TO 3.5V7 PWDNACOM 10 This capacitor integrates the internal error current that is 8 COMMCLPF 9C3 064 present when the loop is not balanced. 23- (SEE TEXT) 029 Figure 64. Basic Connections for Controller Mode Operation Increasing VSET, which corresponds to demanding a higher signal from the VGA, tends to decrease VOUT. The VGA or VVA therefore must have a negative sense. In other words, increasing the gain control voltage decreases gain. If this is not the case, an op amp, configured as an inverter with suitable level shifting, can be used to correct the sense of the VOUT signal. Rev. F | Page 27 of 33 Document Outline FEATURES APPLICATIONS FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION TABLE OF CONTENTS REVISION HISTORY SPECIFICATIONS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ESD CAUTION PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERIZATION SETUP EQUIPMENT ANALYSIS CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION SQUARE LAW DETECTION VOLTAGE vs. POWER CALIBRATION OFFSET ELIMINATION TIME-DOMAIN RESPONSE OF THE CLOSED LOOP OPERATION IN RF MEASUREMENT MODE BASIC CONNECTIONS DEVICE DISABLE RECOMMENDED INPUT COUPLING Choosing Input Coupling Capacitors Single-Ended Input Drive OPERATION AT LOW FREQUENCIES CHOOSING A VALUE FOR CHPF CHOOSING A VALUE FOR CLPF ADJUSTING VTGT TO ACCOMMODATE SIGNALS WITH VERY HIGH CREST FACTORS ALTERING THE SLOPE TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION AND REDUCTION OF TRANSFER FUNCTION RIPPLE TEMPERATURE COMPENSATION AT VARIOUS WiMAX FREQUENCIES UP TO 3.8 GHz OPERATION IN CONTROLLER MODE RMS VOLTMETER WITH 90 dB DYNAMIC RANGE AD8362 EVALUATION BOARD OUTLINE DIMENSIONS ORDERING GUIDE