Datasheet ADIS16475 (Analog Devices)
Manufacturer | Analog Devices |
Description | Precision, Miniature MEMs IMU (2000dps, 8g) |
Pages / Page | 34 / 1 — Precision, Miniature MEMs IMU. Data Sheet. ADIS16475. FEATURES. GENERAL … |
Revision | C |
File Format / Size | PDF / 1.1 Mb |
Document Language | English |
Precision, Miniature MEMs IMU. Data Sheet. ADIS16475. FEATURES. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Triaxial, digital gyroscope
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Precision, Miniature MEMs IMU Data Sheet ADIS16475 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION Triaxial, digital gyroscope
The ADIS16475 is a precision, miniature MEMS inertial measure-
±125°/sec, ±500°/sec, ±2000°/sec range models
ment unit (IMU) that includes a triaxial gyroscope and a triaxial
2°/hr in-run bias stability (ADIS16475-1)
accelerometer. Each inertial sensor in the ADIS16475 combines
0.15°/√hr angle random walk (ADIS16475-1 and
with signal conditioning that optimizes dynamic performance.
The factory calibration characterizes each sensor for sensitivity,
±0.1° axis to axis misalignment error
bias, alignment, linear acceleration (gyroscope bias), and point
Triaxial, digital accelerometer, ±8 g
of percussion (accelerometer location). As a result, each sensor
3.6 μg in-run bias stability
has dynamic compensation formulas that provide accurate
Triaxial, delta angle and delta velocity outputs
sensor measurements over a broad set of conditions.
Factory calibrated sensitivity, bias, and axial alignment
The ADIS16475 provides a simple, cost effective method for
Calibration temperature range: −40°C to +85°C
integrating accurate, multiaxis inertial sensing into industrial
SPI compatible data communications
systems, especially when compared with the complexity and
Programmable operation and control
investment associated with discrete designs. Al necessary motion
Automatic and manual bias correction controls
testing and calibration are part of the production process at the
Data ready indicator for synchronous data acquisition
factory, greatly reducing system integration time. Tight orthogonal
External sync modes: direct, pulse, scaled, and output
alignment simplifies inertial frame alignment in navigation
On demand self test of inertial sensors
systems. The serial peripheral interface (SPI) and register
On demand self test of flash memory
structure provide a simple interface for data col ection and
Single-supply operation (VDD): 3.0 V to 3.6 V 2000
configuration control.
g mechanical shock survivability Operating temperature range: −40°C to +105°C
The ADIS16475 is available in a 44-bal , ball grid array (BGA) package that is approximately 11 mm × 15 mm × 11 mm.
APPLICATIONS Navigation, stabilization, and instrumentation Unmanned and autonomous vehicles Smart agriculture and construction machinery Factory/industrial automation, robotics Virtual/augmented reality Internet of Moving Things FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM DR RST VDD POWER SELF TEST I/O MANAGEMENT GND OUTPUT TRIAXIAL CS DATA GYROSCOPE REGISTERS SCLK TRIAXIAL CONTROLLER CALIBRATION SPI AND ACCELEROMETER FILTERS DIN USER CONTROL TEMPERATURE REGISTERS DOUT SENSOR CLOCK ADIS16475
15436- Figure 1.
Rev. A Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Tel: 781.329.4700 ©2017 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Technical Support
Document Outline FEATURES APPLICATIONS GENERAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM REVISION HISTORY SPECIFICATIONS TIMING SPECIFICATIONS Timing Diagrams ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS THERMAL RESISTANCE ESD CAUTION PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS THEORY OF OPERATION INTRODUCTION INERTIAL SENSOR SIGNAL CHAIN Gyroscope Data Sampling Accelerometer Data Sampling External Clock Options Inertial Sensor Calibration Bartlett Window FIR Filter Averaging/Decimating Filter REGISTER STRUCTURE SERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI) DATA READY (DR) READING SENSOR DATA Burst Read Function DEVICE CONFIGURATION Memory Structure USER REGISTER MEMORY MAP USER REGISTER DEFINTIONS Status/Error Flag Indicators (DIAG_STAT) GYROSCOPE DATA Gyroscope Measurement Range/Scale Factor Gyroscope Data Formatting X-Axis Gyroscope (X_GYRO_LOW and X_GYRO_OUT) Y-Axis Gyroscope (Y_GYRO_LOW and Y_GYRO_OUT) Z-Axis Gyroscope (Z_GYRO_LOW and Z_GYRO_OUT) Acceleration Data Accelerometer Resolution X-Axis Accelerometer (X_ACCL_LOW and X_ACCL_OUT) Y-Axis Accelerometer (Y_ACCL_LOW and Y_ACCL_OUT) Z-Axis Accelerometer (Z_ACCL_LOW and Z_ACCL_OUT) Internal Temperature (TEMP_OUT) Time Stamp (TIME_STAMP) Data Update Counter (DATA_CNTR) DELTA ANGLES Delta Angle Measurement Range X-Axis Delta Angle (X_DELTANG_LOW and X_DELTANG_OUT) Y-Axis Delta Angle (Y_DELTANG_LOW and Y_DELTANG_OUT) Z-Axis Delta Angle (Z_DELTANG_LOW and Z_DELTANG_OUT) Delta Angle Resolution DELTA VELOCITY X-Axis Delta Velocity (X_DELTVEL_LOW and X_DELTVEL_OUT) Y-Axis Delta Velocity (Y_DELTVEL_LOW and Y_DELTVEL_OUT) Z-Axis Delta Velocity (Z_DELTVEL_LOW and Z_DELTVEL_OUT) Delta Velocity Resolution CALIBRATION Calibration, Gyroscope Bias (XG_BIAS_LOW and XG_BIAS_HIGH) Calibration, Gyroscope Bias (YG_BIAS_LOW and YG_BIAS_HIGH) Calibration, Gyroscope Bias (ZG_BIAS_LOW and ZG_BIAS_HIGH) Calibration, Accelerometer Bias (XA_BIAS_LOW and XA_BIAS_HIGH) Calibration, Accelerometer Bias (YA_BIAS_LOW and YA_BIAS_HIGH) Calibration, Accelerometer Bias (ZA_BIAS_LOW and ZA_BIAS_HIGH) Filter Control Register (FILT_CTRL) Range Identifier (RANG_MDL) Miscellaneous Control Register (MSC_CTRL) Point of Percussion Linear Acceleration Effect on Gyroscope Bias Internal Clock Mode Output Sync Mode Direct Sync Mode Pulse Sync Mode Scaled Sync Mode Decimation Filter (DEC_RATE) Data Update Rate in External Sync Modes Continuous Bias Estimation (NULL_CNFG) Global Commands (GLOB_CMD) Software Reset Flash Memory Test Flash Memory Update Sensor Self Test Factory Calibration Restore Bias Correction Update Firmware Revision (FIRM_REV) Firmware Revision Day and Month (FIRM_DM) Firmware Revision Year (FIRM_Y) Product Identification (PROD_ID) Serial Number (SERIAL_NUM) Scratch Registers (USER_SCR_1 to USER_SCR_3) Flash Memory Endurance Counter (FLSHCNT_LOW and FLSHCNT_HIGH) APPLICATIONS INFORMATION ASSEMBLY AND HANDLING TIPS Package Attributes Assembly Tips PCB Layout Suggestions Underfill Process Validation and Control POWER SUPPLY CONSIDERATIONS EVALUATION TOOLS Breakout Boards PC-Based Evaluation, EVAL-ADIS2 PACKAGING AND ORDERING INFORMATION OUTLINE DIMENSIONS ORDERING GUIDE