Datasheet ADIS16480 (Analog Devices)
Manufacturer | Analog Devices |
Description | Ten Degrees of Freedom MEMS Inertial Sensor with Dynamic Orientation Outputs |
Pages / Page | 4 / 1 — Ten Degrees of Freedom MEMS Inertial. Sensor with Dynamic Orientation … |
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Document Language | English |
Ten Degrees of Freedom MEMS Inertial. Sensor with Dynamic Orientation Outputs. Silicon Anomaly. ADIS16480. FUNCTIONALITY ISSUES

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Ten Degrees of Freedom MEMS Inertial Sensor with Dynamic Orientation Outputs Silicon Anomaly ADIS16480
This anomaly list describes the known bugs, anomalies, and workarounds for the ADIS16480. Analog Devices, Inc., is committed, through future silicon revisions, to continuously improve silicon functionality. Analog Devices tries to ensure that these future silicon revisions remain compatible with your present software/systems by implementing the recommended workarounds outlined here.
FUNCTIONALITY ISSUES Table 1. Incorrect Scale Factors for the x_DELTANG_OUT Registers and the x_DELTANG_LOW Registers [er001] Background
The ADIS16480 provides delta angle registers, which contain sample-to-sample angle displacement estimates for all three axes. The x_DELTANG_OUT registers provide the upper 16 bits, and the x_DELTANG_LOW registers provide the lower 16 bits. The x_DELTANG_OUT registers typically provide a scale factor of 720 ÷ 215 degrees per LSB, and the x_DELTANG_LOW registers provide additional resolution (720 ÷ 231 degrees per LSB).
On units that have Firmware Revision 2.01 (or earlier), the delta angle registers do not have the same scale factors as those listed in the ADIS16480 data sheet. For these units, the scale factors are 274 ÷ 215 degrees per LSB for x_DELTANG_OUT and 274 ÷ 231 degrees per LSB for x_DELTANG_LOW.
Use 274 ÷ 215 degrees per LSB for the x_DELTANG_OUT scale factor and 274 ÷ 231 degrees per LSB for the x_DELTANG_LOW scale factor. Use the FIRM_REV register to determine the firmware revision of a unit. For example, FIRM_REV = 0x0201 equates to a Firmware Revision 2.01.
Related Issues
Table 2. Incorrect Scale Factors for the x_DELTVEL_OUT Registers and the x_DELTVEL_LOW Registers [er002] Background
The ADIS16480 provides delta velocity registers, which contain sample-to-sample velocity estimates for all three axes. The x_DELTVEL_OUT registers provide the upper 16 bits, and the x_DELTVEL_LOW registers provide the lower 16 bits. The x_DELTVEL_OUT registers typically provide a scale factor of 200 ÷ 215 m/sec per LSB, and the x_DELTVEL_LOW registers provide additional resolution (200 ÷ 231 m/sec per LSB). The ADIS16480 (Rev. A) data sheet incorrectly documents these scale factors as 160 ÷ 215 and 160 ÷ 231, respectively; these errors are being addressed in Rev. B of the data sheet.
On units that have Firmware Revision 2.01 (or earlier), the delta velocity registers do not have the same scale factors as those listed in the ADIS16480 data sheet. For these units, the scale factors are 97.65 ÷ 215 m/sec per LSB for x_DELTVEL_OUT and 97.65 ÷ 231 m/sec per LSB for x_DELTVEL_LOW.
Use 97.65 ÷ 215 m/sec per LSB for the x_DELTVEL_OUT scale factor and 97.65 ÷ 231 m/sec per LSB for the x_DELTVEL_LOW scale factor. Use the FIRM_REV register to determine the firmware revision of a unit. For example, FIRM_REV = 0x0201 equates to a Firmware Revision 2.01.
Related Issues
Table 3. Inaccurate TEMP_OUT Readings [er003] Background
The TEMP_OUT register provides the internal temperature measurement, which serves as an input to the inertial calibration outputs and also provides a variable that enables users to monitor relative temperature changes inside the unit.
On units that have Firmware Revision 2.01 (or earlier), the TEMP_OUT bias error is −10°C, and the scale factor is approximately 5% lower than the scale factor reflected in the ADIS16480 data sheet.
Use devices that have Firmware Revision 2.02 or later to benefit from the improvement in the TEMP_OUT accuracy. For specific, in-application accuracy, users may want to consider their own calibration process because attachment, airflow, and other mechanical variables can affect the TEMP_OUT relationship with ambient temperature conditions. Use the FIRM_REV register to determine the firmware revision of a unit. For example, FIRM_REV = 0x0201 equates to a FirmwareRevision 2.01.
Related Issues
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