Datasheet LTM4650A-1 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionDual 25A or Single 50A DC/DC μModule Regulator with 1% DC Accuracy
Pages / Page36 / 1 — FEATURES. DESCRIPTION. Dual 25A or Single 50A Output. Input Voltage …
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FEATURES. DESCRIPTION. Dual 25A or Single 50A Output. Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 16V. Output Voltage Range: 0.6V to 5.5V

Datasheet LTM4650A-1 Analog Devices

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LTM4650A-1 Dual 25A or Single 50A DC/DC µModule Regulator with 1% DC Accuracy
Dual 25A or Single 50A Output
The LTM®4650A-1 is a dual 25A or single 50A output n
Input Voltage Range: 4.5V to 16V
switching mode step-down DC/DC µModule® (micromod- n
Output Voltage Range: 0.6V to 5.5V
ule) regulator with ±1% total DC output error. Included in n
±1% Maximum Total DC Output Error Over Line,
the package are the switching controllers, power FETs,
Load and Temperature
inductors and all supporting components. Operating from n an input voltage range of 4.5V to 16V, the LTM4650A-1
Higher Light Load Efficiency and Wider VOUT Range
supports two outputs with an output voltage range of 0.6V
Than LTM4650-1
n to 5.5V, each set by a single external resistor. Its high ef-
Adjustable Control Loop Compensation
n ficiency design delivers up to 25A continuous current for
Differential Remote Sense Amplifier
n each output. Only a few input and output capacitors are
Current Mode Control/Fast Transient Response
n needed. Adjustable control loop compensation allows for
Multiphase Parallel Current Sharing Up to 300A
n fast transient response to minimize output capacitance
Internal Temperature Monitor
n when powering FPGAs, ASICs, and processors. Adjustable Switching Frequency or Synchronization n Overcurrent Foldback Protection Fault protection features include overvoltage and overcur- n Selectable Burst Mode® Operation, Pulse-Skipping rent protection. The LTM4650A-1 is offered in 16mm × Mode Operation 16mm × 5.01mm BGA package. n Soft-Start/Voltage Tracking
LTM4650 Product Family Selection Table
n Output Overvoltage Protection
n 16mm × 16mm × 5.01mm BGA Package
LTM4650 Internal
4.5V to 0.6V to 1.5% LTM4650-1B 15V 1.8V External LTM6450-1A 25A × 2 0.8% n Telecom and Networking Equipment LTM4650A 4.5V to 0.6V to Internal n Storage and ATCA Cards 16V 5.5V 1% LTM4650A-1 External n Industrial Equipment L, LT, LTC, LTM, Linear Technology, the Linear logo, µModule, Burst Mode, PolyPhase and LTpowerCAD are registered trademarks of Analog Devices, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Protected by U.S. Patents, including 5481178, 5705919, 5929620, 6100678, 6144194, 6177787, 6304066 and 6580258. Other patents pending.
TYPICAL APPLICATION 3.3VOUT Efficiency vs IOUT 50A, 3.3V Output DC/DC µModule Regulator
100 10k INTVCC PGOOD 95 4.7µF INTVCC PGOOD1 PGOOD2 VIN 90 VIN VOUT1 VOUT 4.5V TO 16V 22µF + 100µF 470µF 3.3V/50A 25V 120k VOUTS1 6.3V 6.3V 85 ×4 TEMP DIFFOUT TRACK1 V TRACK2 FB1 80 0.1µF INTVCC f VFB2 SET 13.3k EFFICIENCY (%) LTM4650A-1 75 COMP1 RTH COMP2 PINS UNUSED IN V 70 C RUN1 OUT2 12 VIN, 3.3VOUT, 600kHz + THIS APPLICATION: TH DIFFP 100µF 470µF 5 V RUN2 IN, 3.3VOUT, 600kHz CLKOUT 6.3V 6.3V 65 EXTV PHASMD DIFFN CC 0 10 20 30 40 50 SW1 SGND GND MODE_PLLIN LOAD CURRENT (A) SW2 4650a1 TA01a VOUTS2 4650a1 TA01b 4650a1f For more information 1 Document Outline Features Applications Typical Application Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Order Information Electrical Characteristics Pin Configuration Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Simplified Block Diagram Decoupling Requirements Operation Applications Information Typical Applications Package Description Typical Application Package Photo Design Resources Related Parts