Datasheet LTM4633 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionTriple 10A Step-Down DC/DC µModule Regulator
Pages / Page32 / 1 — FeaTures. DescripTion. Three Independent 10A DC Output Current Regulator. …
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FeaTures. DescripTion. Three Independent 10A DC Output Current Regulator. Channels. Input Voltage Range: 4.7V to 16V

Datasheet LTM4633 Analog Devices

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LTM4633 Triple 10A Step-Down DC/DC µModule Regulator
FeaTures DescripTion
Three Independent 10A DC Output Current Regulator
The LTM®4633 µModule® (micromodule) regulator com-
bines three complete 10A switching mode DC/DC con- n
Input Voltage Range: 4.7V to 16V
verters into one small package. Included in the package n
2.375V to 16V with External 5V Bias
are the switching controllers, power FETs, inductors, and n
VOUT1,2 Voltage Range: 0.8V to 1.8V
most support components. The LTM4633’s three regula- n
VOUT3 Voltage Range: 0.8V to 5.5V
tors operate from 4.7V to 16V input rail(s) or 2.375V to n
±1.5% Maximum Total DC Output Error
16V with an external 5V bias. The VOUT1 and VOUT2 output n
Current Mode Control/Fast Transient Response
range is 0.8V to 1.8V, while the VOUT3 output range is 0.8V n
Frequency Synchronization
to 5.5V. Each output is set by one external resistor. n
Output Overvoltage and Overcurrent Protection
High switching frequency and a current mode architecture n
Multiphase Operation with Current Sharing
enable a very fast transient response to line and load
on VOUT1 and VOUT2
changes without sacrificing stability. The device supports n
General Purpose Temperature Monitors
frequency synchronization, multiphase parallel operation n Soft-Start/Voltage Tracking of V n OUT1 and VOUT2, soft-start and output voltage tracking Power Good Monitors for supply rail sequencing. n 15mm × 15mm × 5.01mm BGA Package Fault protection features include overvoltage protection, overcurrent protection and temperature monitoring. The
power module is offered in a space saving, thermally n enhanced 15mm Telecom, Networking and Industrial Equipment × 15mm × 5.01mm BGA package. The n LTM4633 is RoHS compliant with Pb-free finish. High Density Point of Load Regulation L, LT, LTC, LTM, µModule, PolyPhase, Burst Mode, Linear Technology and the Linear logo are registered trademarks and PowerPath and LTpowerCAD are trademarks of Linear Technology Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Protected by U.S. Patents, including 5481178, 5705919, 5929620, 6100678, 6144194, 6177787, 6304066, 6580258 and 8163643. Other patents pending.
Typical applicaTion 12V Input to 1.0V, 1.5V and 3.3V Output Regulator Efficiency vs Load Current
12VIN 95 4.7µF 10k 10k VIN1 VIN2 VIN3 EXTVCC INTVCC FREQ/PLLLPF 6.3V CNTL_PWR PGOOD12 90 RUN1 PGOOD3 1.0V 13.3k RUN2 VOUT1 10A 85 242k RUN3 VFB1 LTM4633 TK/SS1 1.5V V 80 OUT2 EFFICIENCY (%) TK/SS2 69.8k 10A V TK/SS3 FB2 75 12V 3.3V IN, 3.3V OUTPUT VOUT3 12V 10A IN, 1.5V OUTPUT 19.1k 12VIN, 1V OUTPUT VFB3 MODE/PLLIN GND SGND 70 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4633 TA01a LOAD CURRENT (A) 4633 TA01b 4633f For more information 1 Document Outline Features Applications Description Typical Application Absolute Maximum Ratings Pin Configuration Order Information Electrical Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Block Diagram Operation Applications Information Typical Applications Related Parts