LTC1760 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe l denotes the specifications which apply over the full operatingjunction temperature range, otherwise specifications are at TA = 25°C (Note 6). VDCIN = 20V, VBAT1 = 12V, VBAT2 = 12V, VVDDS = 3.3V,VVCC2 = 5.2V unless otherwise noted. SYMBOL PARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITSThermistor Thermistor Trip CLOAD(MAX) = 300pF (Note 9) l 95 100 105 kΩ COLD-RANGE to OVER-RANGE R1A = R2A = 1130Ω ±1% R1B = R2B = 54900Ω ±1% Thermistor Trip CLOAD(MAX) = 300pF (Note 9) l 28.5 30 32.5 kΩ IDEAL-RANGE to COLD-RANGE R1A = R2A = 1130Ω ±1% R1B = R2B = 54900Ω ±1% Thermistor Trip CLOAD(MAX) = 300pF (Note 9) HOT-RANGE to IDEAL-RANGE R1A = R2A = 1130Ω ±1% R1B = R2B = 54900Ω ±1% C-Grade (Note 6) l 2.85 3 3.15 kΩ I-Grade (Note 6) l 2.83 3 3.15 kΩ Thermistor Trip CLOAD(MAX) = 300pF (Note 9) l 425 500 575 Ω UNDER-RANGE to HOT-RANGE R1A = R2A = 1130Ω ±1% R1B = R2B = 54900Ω ±1% Logic Levels SCL/SCL1/SCL2/SDA/SDA1/ l 0.8 v SDA2 Input Low Voltage (VIL) SCL/SCL1/SCL2/SDA/SDA1/ l 2.1 v SDA2 Input High Voltage (VIH) SCL/SCL1/SCL2/SDA/SDA1/ VSDA, VSCL, VSDA1, VSCL1, l –5 5 µA SDA2 Input Leakage Current VSDA2, VSCL2 = 0.8V SCL/SCL1/SCL2/SDA/SDA1/ VSDA, VSCL, VSDA1, VSCL1, VSDA2, l –5 5 µA SDA2 Input Leakage Current VSCL2 = 2.1V IPULLUP SCL1/SDA1/SCL2/SDA2 Pull-Up VSCL1, VSDA1, VSCL2, VSDA2 = 0.4V 165 220 350 µA Current When Not Connected to VVCC2 = 4.85V and 5.55V (Current is Through SMBus Host Internal Series Resistor and Schottky to VCC2) SCL1/SDA1/SCL2/SDA2 VSDA1, VSCL1, VSDA2, VSCL2 = 0.8V l 300 Ω Series Impedance to Host SMBus SCL/SDA Output Low Voltage (VOL). IPULLUP = 350µA l 0.4 V LTC1760 Driving the Pin SCL1/SDA1/SCL2/SDA2 Pullup IPULLUP Internal to LTC1760 l 0.4 V Output Low Voltage (VOL). LTC1760 Driving the Pin with Battery SMBus not Connected to Host SMBus SCL1/SDA1/SCL2/SDA2 IPULLUP = 350µA on Host Side l 0.4 V Output Low Voltage (VOL). LTC1760 Driving the Pin with Battery SMBus Connected to Host SMBus SCL/SCL1/SCL2/SDA/SDA1/ SDA2/ VVCC2 = 0V, VVDDS = 0V, l 2 µA SMBALERT Power Down Leakage VSCL, VSCL1, VSCL2, VSDA, VSDA1, VSDA2, VSMBALERT = 5.5V SMBALERT Output Low Voltage (VOL) IPULLUP = 500µA l 0.4 V SMBALERT Output Pull-Up Current VSMBALERT = 0.4V 3.5 10 17.5 µA VIL_VDDS VDDS Input Low Voltage (VIL) l 1.5 V VIH_VDDS VDDS Input High Voltage (VIH) l 2.6 V VDDS Operating Voltage l 3 5.5 V VDDS Operating Current VSCL, VSDA = VVDDS , VVDDS = 5V 18 µA VIL_MODE MODE Input Low Voltage (VIL) VVCC2 = 4.85V l VVCC2 • 0.3 V 1760fc 6 For more information