LTC6406 DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the fulloperating temperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at TA = 25°C. V+ = 3V, V– = 0V, VCM = VOCM = VICM = 1.25V, VSHDN = open,RBAL = 100k Ω , RI = 150 Ω , RF = 150 Ω (0.1% resistors), CF = 1.8pF (see Figure 1) unless otherwise noted. VS is defi ned as (V+ – V–).VOUTCM is defi ned as (V+OUT + V–OUT)/2. VICM is defi ned as (V+IN + V–IN)/2. VOUTDIFF is defi ned as (V+OUT – V–OUT).SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITS ISC Output Short-Circuit Current, +OUT/–OUT Pins (Note 10) l ±35 ±55 mA AVOL Large-Signal Open Loop Voltage Gain 90 dB VS Supply Voltage Range l 2.7 3.5 V IS Supply Current l 18 22 mA ISHDN Supply Current in Shutdown VSHDN = 0V l 300 500 μA RSHDN SHDN Pull-Up Resistor VSHDN = 0V to 0.5V l 60 100 140 kΩ VIL SHDN Input Logic Low l 0.4 0.7 V VIH SHDN Input Logic High l 2.25 2.55 V tON Turn-On Time 200 ns tOFF Turn-Off Time 50 ns AC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSThe l denotes the specifi cations which apply over the fulloperating temperature range, otherwise specifi cations are at TA = 25°C. V+ = 3V, V– = 0V, VCM = VOCM = VICM = 1.25V, VSHDN = open, RI= 150 Ω , RF = 150 Ω (0.1% resistors), CF = 1.8pF, RLOAD = 400 Ω (see Figure 2) unless otherwise noted. VS is defi ned as (V+ – V–). VICMis defi ned as (V+IN + V–IN)/2. VOUTDIFF is defi ned as (V+OUT – V–OUT).SYMBOLPARAMETERCONDITIONSMINTYPMAXUNITS SR Slew Rate Differential Output 630 V/μS GBW Gain-Bandwidth Product fTEST = 30MHz 3 GHz f–3dB –3dB Frequency (See Figure 2) l 500 800 MHz 50MHz Distortion VOCM = 1.25V, VS = 3V Differential Input, VOUTDIFF = 2VP-P 2nd Harmonic –77 dBc (Note 13) 3rd Harmonic l –65 –55 dBc VOCM = 1.25V, VS = 3V, RLOAD = 800Ω 2nd Harmonic –85 dBc 3rd Harmonic –72 dBc VOCM = 1.25V, VS = 3V, RLOAD = 800Ω, RI = RF = 500Ω 2nd Harmonic –80 dBc 3rd Harmonic –69 dBc 50MHz Distortion VOCM = 1.25V, VS = 3V, RLOAD = 800Ω, Single-Ended Input, VOUTDIFF = 2VP-P RI = RF = 500Ω (Note 13) 2nd Harmonic –69 dBc 3rd Harmonic –73 dBc 3rd-Order IMD at 49.5MHz, 50.5MHz VOUTDIFF = 2VP-P Envelope, –65 dBc RLOAD = 800Ω OIP3 at 50MHz (Note 11) RLOAD = 800Ω 36.5 dBm tS Settling Time VOUTDIFF = 2V Step 1% Settling 7 ns 0.1% Settling 11 ns NF Noise Figure at 50MHz Shunt-Terminated to 50Ω, RS = 50Ω 14.1 dB ZIN = 200Ω (RI = 100Ω, RF = 300Ω) 7.5 dB 6406fc 4