RH27 TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSInput Offset VoltageOpen-Loop GainInput Bias Current 150 170 350 V V S = ±15V S = ±15V VS = ±15V 100 VCM = 0V 160 RL = 2k 300 VCM = 0V VOUT = ±10V 50 150 250 0 140 200 –50 130 150 –100 120 OPEN-LOOP GAIN (dB) 100 INPUT BIAS CURRENT (nA) INPUT OFFSET VOLTAGE (μV) –150 110 50 –200 100 0 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) RH27 G03 RH27 G04 RH27 G05 Common Mode Rejection RatioInput Offset CurrentPower Supply Rejection Ratio 170 75 140 VS = ±15V VS = ±15V VS = ±4V TO ±18V VCM = ±11V V 160 CM = 0V 130 50 150 120 25 140 110 130 100 0 120 90 INPUT OFFSET CURRENT (nA) –25 110 80 COMMON MODE REJECTION RATIO (dB) POWER SUPPLY REJECTION RATIO (dB) 100 –50 70 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) TOTAL DOSE KRAD (Si) RH27 G06 RH27 G07 RH27 G08 rh27fd Information furnished by Linear Technology Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for its use. Linear Technology Corporation makes no representa- tion that the interconnection of its circuits as described herein will not infringe on existing patent rights. 5