Datasheet LTC3623 (Analog Devices) - 9

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
Description15V, ±5A Rail-to-Rail Synchronous Buck Regulator
Pages / Page30 / 9 — pin FuncTions RT (Pin 23):. ITH (Pin 24):
File Format / SizePDF / 1.5 Mb
Document LanguageEnglish

pin FuncTions RT (Pin 23):. ITH (Pin 24):

pin FuncTions RT (Pin 23): ITH (Pin 24):

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Text Version of Document

pin FuncTions RT (Pin 23):
Switching Frequency Programming Pin.
ITH (Pin 24):
Error Amplifier Output and Switching Connect an external resistor (between 100k to 10k) from Regulator Compensation Point. The internal current com- RT to GND to program the frequency from 400kHz to parator’s trip threshold is linearly proportional to this 4MHz. Tying the RT pin to INTVCC programs 1MHz opera- voltage, whose normal range is from 0.55V to 1.85V. tion. Floating the RT pin shuts off the power switches. For external compensation, tie a resistor (RITH) in series with a capacitor (CITH) to signal GND. A separate 10pF high frequency filtering cap can also be placed from ITH to signal GND. Tying ITH to INTVCC enables the default internal compensation and removes the need for external compensation components. 3623fa For more information 9