Datasheet LTC7103 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
Description105V, 2.3A Low EMI Synchronous Step-Down Regulator
Pages / Page40 / 1 — FEATURES. DESCRIPTION. Wide VIN Range: 4.4V to 105V (110V Abs Max). …
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FEATURES. DESCRIPTION. Wide VIN Range: 4.4V to 105V (110V Abs Max). Ultralow EMI/EMC Emissions: CISPR 25 Compliant

Datasheet LTC7103 Analog Devices, Revision: A

Text Version of Document

LTC7103 105V, 2.3A Low EMI Synchronous Step-Down Regulator
Wide VIN Range: 4.4V to 105V (110V Abs Max)
The LTC®7103 is a high efficiency, monolithic synchro- n
Ultralow EMI/EMC Emissions: CISPR 25 Compliant
nous step-down DC/DC converter utilizing a constant n
2µA IQ When Regulating 48VIN to 3.3VOUT
frequency, average current mode control architecture. It n
Fast and Accurate Output Current Programming and
operates from an input voltage range of 4.4V to 105V and
Monitoring with No External RSENSE
provides an adjustable regulated output voltage from 1V n
Brick Wall Current Limit
to VIN while delivering up to 2.3A of output current. n
Low Minimum On-Time: 40ns
The LTC7103 features high frequency operation and a low n
Wide VOUT Range: 1V to VIN
minimum on-time that reduce inductor size and enable n
100% Maximum Duty Cycle Operation
constant-frequency operation even at very high step- n Programmable Fixed Frequency: 200kHz to 2MHz down ratios. In addition, the LTC7103 achieves the low- n Eight, Pin-Selectable Fixed (1.2V to 15V) or est possible dropout voltage with 100% maximum duty Adjustable Output Voltages cycle operation. During light load operation, converter n Selectable Pulse-Skipping or Low Ripple Burst efficiency and output ripple can be optimized by selecting Mode® Operation at Light Loads Burst Mode or pulse-skipping operation. n PLL Synchronization to External Clock n EXTV The LTC7103 includes accurate, high speed average cur- CC LDO Powers Chip from VOUT = 3.3V to 40V n OPTI-LOOP® or Fixed Internal Compensation rent programming and monitoring without the need for n Input and Output Overvoltage Protection an external sense resistor. Additional features include a n Thermally Enhanced (5mm × 6mm) QFN Package bypass LDO to maximize efficiency, fixed or adjustable output voltage and loop compensation, and a wide array of protection features to enhance reliability.
All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. n Battery Chargers and CC/CV Supplies n Automotive and Military Systems n Industrial, Avionics and Heavy Equipment n Medical Instruments and Telecommunication Systems
TYPICAL APPLICATION Efficiency vs Load Current 5V to 105V Input to 5V/2.3A Output Step-Down Regulator
100 VOUT = 5V 95 VIN VIN BOOST 90 5V TO 105V 4.7µF 0.1µF LTC7103 18µH V 85 OUT RUN SW 5V 80 I 2.3A CTRL VFB 75 OVLO EXTVCC 100µF 70 V CURRENT f PRG2 IMON EFFICIENCY (%) SW = 300kHz MONITOR 65 FIGURE 14 CIRCUIT PLLIN/MODE ITH VIN = 12V 60 FREQ INTV V CC IN = 24V 55 VIN = 48V SGND PGND 1µF VIN = 72V 500.1 1 10 100 1000 7103 TA01a LOAD CURRENT (mA) 7103 TA01b Rev. A Document Feedback For more information 1 Document Outline Features Applications Typical Application Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Pin Configuration Order Information Electrical Characteristics Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Functional Diagram Operation Applications Information Package Description Revision History Typical Application Related Parts