User Manual WSEN-PADS / 2511020213301 (Wurth Elektronik) - 10

ManufacturerWurth Elektronik
DescriptionAbsolute Pressure Sensor
Pages / Page87 / 10 — 1.5.4 Digital filtering. 1.5.5 FIFO memory. 1.6 Filtering chain and data …
File Format / SizePDF / 9.2 Mb
Document LanguageEnglish

1.5.4 Digital filtering. 1.5.5 FIFO memory. 1.6 Filtering chain and data path. P_diff(t). P_out_mux1(t). P_compensated(t)

1.5.4 Digital filtering 1.5.5 FIFO memory 1.6 Filtering chain and data path P_diff(t) P_out_mux1(t) P_compensated(t)

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1.5.4 Digital filtering
The sensor has on-chip signal conditioning and embeds two digital low pass filters. The first filter LPF1 is applied to both pressure and temperature data. The second filter LPF2 can be optionally applied only to the pressure data. User can turn on or off this filter, depending on his requirements.
1.5.5 FIFO memory
The sensor has embedded FIFO buffer that can store up to 128 levels of pressure and temperature data. This can save host controller power, since the controller doesn’t have to poll for data continuously.
1.6 Filtering chain and data path
Figure 2 shows detailed information about the functionality of the sensor. The sensor can be operated in various operating modes and filter setting which determines the pressure and temperature data path. DIFF_EN AUTOZERO enable REF_P AUTOZERO Standard EN_LPFP output Low pass En M -
U OPC * 256 filter En X DATA_P M 2 2 + U X
Dis 1
DATA_T Dis P,T Pressure FIFO compensation MEMS cell Low pass output Analog front end filter ADC 1 Temperature
FIFO Buffer FIFO_DATA_P T compensation FIFO_DATA_T Figure 2: Filtering chain and data path Absolute pressure sensor, Part Nr. 2511020213301 User manual version 1.0 © June 2019 9 Document Outline Introduction Application Key features Ordering information Block diagram Operational functionality MEMS Cell ASIC Calibration Digital filtering FIFO memory Filtering chain and data path Sensor specifications General information Absolute maximum ratings Pressure sensor specification Temperature sensor specification Electrical specifications Pinning information Pin configuration Pin description Digital interface General characteristics [fig:pinout]SDA and [fig:pinout]SCL logic levels Communication phase Idle state START(S) and STOP(P) condition Data validity Byte format Acknowledge(ACK) and No-Acknowledge(NACK) Slave address for the sensor Read/Write operation I2C timing parameters Application circuit Quick start guide Power-up sequence Communication with host controller Reboot Software reset Sensor operation: single conversion mode Sensor operation: continuous mode Power-off sequence Modes of operation Power-down mode Single conversion mode Continuous mode Additional configurations Low-power or low-noise configuration Enabling additional low-pass filter Reading output data Reading pressure values Reading temperature values Status register for reading the data FIFO buffer Bypass mode FIFO mode Continuous mode Bypass-to-FIFO mode Bypass-to-continuous mode Continuous-to-FIFO mode FIFO status monitoring and control User-defined FIFO threshold Reading data from FIFO buffer Interrupt functionality Interrupt generation on pressure data-ready Interrupt generation based on pressure threshold Interrupt latching FIFO status based interrupt events Routing interrupt events to the [fig:pinout]INT pin Register map Register description INT_CFG (0x0B) THR_P_L (0x0C) THR_P_H (0x0D) INTERFACE_CTRL (0x0E) DEVICE_ID (0x0F) CTRL_1 (0x10) CTRL_2 (0x11) CTRL_3 (0x12) FIFO_CTRL (0x13) FIFO_WTM (0x14) REF_P_L (0x15) REF_P_H (0x16) OPC_L (0x18) OPC_H (0x19) INT_SOURCE (0x24) FIFO_STATUS_1 (0x25) FIFO_STATUS_2 (0x26) STATUS (0x27) DATA_P_XL (0x28) DATA_P_L (0x29) DATA_P_H (0x2A) DATA_T_L (0x2B) DATA_T_H (0x2C) FIFO_DATA_P_XL (0x78) FIFO_DATA_P_L (0x79) FIFO_DATA_P_H (0x7A) FIFO_DATA_T_L (0x7B) FIFO_DATA_T_H (0x7A) Physical dimensions Sensor drawing Footprint Manufacturing information Moisture sensitivity level Soldering Reflow soldering Cleaning and washing Potting and coating Storage conditions Handling Important notes General customer responsibility Customer responsibility related to specific, in particular safety-relevant applications Best care and attention Customer support for product specifications Product improvements Product life cycle Property rights General terms and conditions Legal notice Exclusion of liability Suitability in customer applications Usage restriction License agreement for Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG sensor product software and source code Limited license Usage and obligations Ownership Disclaimer of warranty Limitation of liability Applicable law and jurisdiction Severability clause Miscellaneous