Datasheet LTC6115 (Analog Devices)

ManufacturerAnalog Devices
DescriptionHigh Voltage High Side Current and Voltage Sense
Pages / Page20 / 1 — FEATURES. DESCRIPTION. Current Sense. Voltage Sense. APPLICATIONS. …
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Datasheet LTC6115 Analog Devices, Revision: B

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LTC6115 High Voltage High Side Current and Voltage Sense
The LTC®6115 is a versatile combination of a high volt- n Supply Range: 5V to 100V age, high side current sense amplifier and a voltage sense n Low Offset Voltage: ±500µV (Maximum) amplifier. Design flexibility is provided by the excellent n 1µs Response Time device characteristics: ±500µV maximum offset voltage n Gain Configurable with 2 Resistors for current sense and maximum ±0.15% voltage sense n Low Input Bias Current: 170nA (Maximum) total gain error. n PSRR: 118dB (Minimum) The current sensing part of the LTC6115 monitors current n Low Supply Current: 250µA by sensing the voltage across an external sense resistor.
Voltage Sense
The sensed voltage is converted to an output current which n Voltage Sense Range: 0V to 100V can then be translated to a voltage by an external resistor, n Precision 1MΩ Resistor Divider ROUT. Due to its fast response, it is a perfect choice for load n Low Total Gain Error: ±0.15% (Maximum) current warning and shut-off protection control. n Supply Voltage Range: 2.7V to 5.5V The LTC6115 also includes an internal 1MΩ resistor n Low Supply Current: 57µA divider and a precision voltage amplifier for accurate volt- n Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to 125°C age monitoring. The resistor attenuation of 40 enables n AEC-Q100 Qualified for Automotive Applications sensing of up to 100V on the VIN pin, making it suitable for precision high voltage monitoring in telecommunications,
industrial and automotive applications. The full-scale out- n Current Shunt Measurement put voltage can be configured by external gain resistors n Battery Monitoring to maximize use of the amplifier’s rail-to-rail output. The n Power Management LTC6115 is available in a 12-lead MSOP package. n Automotive Sensing and Control All registered trademarks and trademarks are the property of their respective owners. n Industrial Monitoring
TYPICAL APPLICATION Power Supply Voltage and Load Current Monitor Voltage and Current Across Swept RLOAD, Sampled by Linduino™ 10-Bit ADC
V+ SUPPLY1 100 500 R 5V TO 100V V+ = 40V IN –IN DC2026 (Linduino) 90 V 450 S = 5V + RLOAD = 132Ω 80 400 MEASURED CURRENT (mA) VSENSE RSENSE A1 +IN OUTI – 70 350 ROUT LOAD TAGE (V) 60 300 GND 50 250 V R SUPPLY1 IN VS LOAD = 158Ω 40 200 975k SUPPLY2 2.7V TO 5.5V 30 150 MEASURED VOL 25k OUTV A2 20 100 FB VOLTAGE 10 50 CURRENT 0 0 GND LTC6115 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 6115 TA01a TIME (s) 6115 TA01b Rev. B Document Feedback For more information 1 Document Outline Features Applications Typical Application Description Absolute Maximum Ratings Order Information Electrical Characteristics Pin Configuration Current Sense Typical Performance Characteristics Voltage Sense Typical Performance Characteristics Pin Functions Block Diagram Applications Information: Current Sense Applications Information: Voltage Sense Typical Applications Package Description Revision History Typical Application Related Parts